Thursday 30 April 2015

Wearable "CH4" fart tracker keeps a daily log of your rear end gas emissions

The CH4 keeps logs of your backdrafts to give you dietary advice

Healthy eating might have brought you a happier, more energetic lifestyle, but have you stopped to think what effect your five daily servings of fruit and veggies are having on everyone around you? Move over, calorie counting. The Kickstarted "CH4" is a portable device designed to keep track of your personal exhaust fumes with the sole goal of helping you find the meals that make you toot the least, for the sake of everyone who spends long stretches of time with you in cramped or poorly ventilated spaces. .. Continue Reading Wearable "CH4" fart tracker keeps a daily log of your rear end gas emissions

Section: Wearable Electronics

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SmartChutes gives wayward drones a soft(er) landing

SmartChutes automatically deploys a rescue parachute when it detects that the drone is abo...

Flying a drone can be a nerve-racking experience. No matter how careful you are, there's always a chance that your several-hundred-dollar aircraft could lose a prop, lose power, or otherwise get messed up and come plummeting to the ground. That's why Nashville-based videographer and drone enthusiast Michael Pick developed SmartChutes... Continue Reading SmartChutes gives wayward drones a soft(er) landing

Section: Aircraft

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High Camp teardrop trailers wrap fine woodwork with aluminum skin

The High Camp teardrop features birch plywood construction with an aluminum skin

The High Camp teardrop trailer may be new to the market, but looking at it whisks you off to a world of intricate craftsmanship that all but went extinct decades ago. The shimmering aluminum shell protects a warm, inviting birch interior with a variety of smart details... Continue Reading High Camp teardrop trailers wrap fine woodwork with aluminum skin

Section: Outdoors

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NASA satellite data used in first global review of Arctic marine mammals

The study focused on 11 species including the bowhead whale, pictured here by study lead a...

NASA satellite measurements have contributed to the first ever study focusing on the current status of 11 species of Arctic marine mammals, all of which depend on sea ice to survive. The study, which revealed details on ice loss in the region, made use of more than 35 years worth of archived satellite data. .. Continue Reading NASA satellite data used in first global review of Arctic marine mammals

Section: Environment

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Stricken Progress 59 spaceship to burn up in Earth's atmosphere

Progress 59 is of an almost identical configuration to Progress 41, seen above undocking f...

Repeated attempts by Russian mission controllers have failed to rescue the stricken Progress 59 cargo spacecraft. It is now expected that the unmanned resupply ship will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere at some point over the next few weeks, resulting in the complete destruction of both the spacecraft and its cargo... Continue Reading Stricken Progress 59 spaceship to burn up in Earth's atmosphere

Section: Space

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Facial stickers could let robots read our emotions

Perhaps all that trouble could have been avoided in Metropolis, if only the Maria robot we...

If robots are ever going to interact with us on a daily basis, then it's important that they know what sort of emotions we're expressing. While some already use computer vision systems to do so, Korean scientists have developed what they say is a simpler and more precise technology – users just have to be willing to stick something on their face. .. Continue Reading Facial stickers could let robots read our emotions

Section: Robotics

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LG G4 vs. LG G3

Gizmag compares the features and specs of the new LG G4 (left) and last year's LG G3

The LG G3 wasn't a perfect phone, but it still cracked our list of the top handsets of 2014. Can the company's 2015 flagship, the LG G4, do better? We can start by comparing the two phones' features and specs... Continue Reading LG G4 vs. LG G3

Section: Mobile Technology

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Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin launches its first rocket

Blue Origin's first developmental test launch (Photo: Blue Origin)

Billionaires who made their cash in dot-coms from the 1990s successfully launching commercial rockets is officially a trend, now that Jeff Bezos has followed in the footsteps of Elon Musk with Wednesday's successful test flight of Blue Origin's New Shepard space vehicle... Continue Reading Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin launches its first rocket

Section: Space

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NASA'S MESSENGER mission finishes with a bang

Artist's impression of MESSENGER in orbit around Mercury (Image: NASA, JHU, APL, Carnegie ...

NASA'S MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft has ended its phenomenally successful mission in the most fitting manner imaginable. The probe, which had maintained a lonely vigil over the desolate planet for more than four years, smashed into the surface of Mercury, the planet that had surrendered countless secrets to the robotic explorer this Thursday at 3:26:02 pm EDT. .. Continue Reading NASA'S MESSENGER mission finishes with a bang

Section: Space

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Tabletop electroplater could let you become a real-life King Midas

The Orbit1 aims to make electroplating simple and affordable

Orbit1 is a tabletop electroplating solution aimed at small businesses, makers and hobbyists, allowing them to coat any small object in a choice of four metallic finishes. The device, which is currently the subject of a crowdfunding effort, is relatively low cost, efficient to run, and pairs with a smartphone app to provide an accessible metal-coating experience. .. Continue Reading Tabletop electroplater could let you become a real-life King Midas

Section: Electronics

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Astronomers create 3D image of Hubble's iconic Pillars of Creation

2015 Hubble image of the Pillars of Creation (Image: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STSc...

Astronomers from the European Southern Observatory have used data from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument to compile the first 3D image of the Pillars of Creation, uncovering some key characteristics of the structures in the process. A shot of the magnificent structures composed of interstellar gas was first captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, and remains one of the most iconic images of space exploration to date... Continue Reading Astronomers create 3D image of Hubble's iconic Pillars of Creation

Section: Space

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EcoQube C fish tank uses a plant to clean its water

The EcoQube C reportedly doesn't need to be cleaned by its owner

Owning an aquarium can be quite enjoyable, but it comes with plenty of headaches. There's a lot of maintenance that's a part of owning one – maintenance that Aqua Design Innovations aims to get rid of with the introduction of its EcoQube C fish tank... Continue Reading EcoQube C fish tank uses a plant to clean its water

Section: Pets

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New technique could aid in commercialization of perovskite solar cells

SSE-produced cells are thin enough to be partially transparent and could therefore be used...

Brown University researchers have developed a new method for making solar cells from perovskite. Unlike existing techniques, the new method doesn't require the application of heat, and can produce highly efficient, thinner versions of the light-absorbing films. .. Continue Reading New technique could aid in commercialization of perovskite solar cells

Section: Science

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NuSTAR captures mysterious high-energy X-ray glow from the center of the Milky Way

NASA's NuSTAR array was used to observe the area of high-energy X-ray emissions (Image: NA...

NASA astronomers have used the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) to spot a glow of high-energy X-rays emanating from the heart of the Milky Way galaxy. The origin of the mysterious glow is unknown, with scientists speculating that it may be caused by dead stars as they draw material from their stellar partners. .. Continue Reading NuSTAR captures mysterious high-energy X-ray glow from the center of the Milky Way

Section: Space

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Massive stars lit up the early universe

An artist’s impression of some of the first stars in the early Universe (Image: Shantanu B...

After the Big Bang, it took several hundred million years for all the hydrogen and helium and some other gases floating around to start to coalesce into the first stars to light up the universe. New research shows these ancient suns would have clustered together to form extraordinarily bright groupings of stars. .. Continue Reading Massive stars lit up the early universe

Section: Space

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Ottobox learns your schedule to lower your electricity bills

Ottobox is a smart home automation device that promises to save you money on your electric...

Ottobox is a smart home automation device that its makers claim could reduce your electricity bills by up to 50 percent. It does this by monitoring the appliances plugged into your wall sockets, and turning them off when they're not in use. The thinking is that all the energy wasted by appliances sitting in standby mode can soon add up to a hefty amount. .. Continue Reading Ottobox learns your schedule to lower your electricity bills

Section: Around The Home

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Skoda Funstar concept gives the pickup truck a sassy makeover

The Skoda Funstar concept is powered by a 1.2-L TSI petrol engine with 90 kW (121 hp) of p...

It's hard to imagine that some pickup truck owners wish their vehicle was more sassy, but for those who do, a new Skoda concept might be just what they're after. The Skoda Funstar is a pickup truck based on the firm's Fabia model, and is designed to be cheeky, fresh and surprising. .. Continue Reading Skoda Funstar concept gives the pickup truck a sassy makeover

Section: Automotive

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Feelreal VR Mask and Nirvana helmet let gamers smell and feel the action

Feelreal hopes its VR mask and helmet will bring two more senses – smell and feel – to the...

In what could just as easily prove to be a very bad idea as it could a good one, a startup company called Feelreal has created a virtual reality mask and helmet that lets you smell virtual environments. The company claims its devices stimulate both the olfactory (smell) and tactile (touch) senses, thereby immersing you in virtual water mist or wind or a battlefield... Continue Reading Feelreal VR Mask and Nirvana helmet let gamers smell and feel the action

Section: Wearable Electronics

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Student-designed furniture is out of this world

The Lunar Lounger team with the flatpack chair and table (Photo: Jeff Fitlow/Rice Universi...

A team of five mechanical engineering seniors has been tasked by NASA to design furniture suitable for use in future habitats on Mars, the Moon, or in space itself. The Lunar Lounger project aims to address the lack of available space and the low-gravity in such conditions, while ensuring the comfort of astronauts. .. Continue Reading Student-designed furniture is out of this world

Section: Space

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Environmental interdental: GoodFloss harps make flossing greener and easier

Goodwell has followed up its eco-friendly toothbrush with biodegradable flossing harps

According to environmentally-conscious mouthcare company Goodwell, there are two main problems with one-time flossing harps: they aren't designed to be portable and they're not eco-friendly. The firm says its new GoodFloss harps are both. What's more, they're designed to make flossing easier... Continue Reading Environmental interdental: GoodFloss harps make flossing greener and easier

Section: Health and Wellbeing

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The Velove Armadillo hauls cargo like a human-powered tractor trailer

DHL Express Netherlands tests out the Armadillo

Of all the electric cargo cycles we've seen, including the Urban Arrow and 2X4, the Velove Armadillo promises the most pedal-assist cargo hauling capability. The four-wheeled platform supports a big, ol' cargo box or semi-trailer on the rear, making the typical two-wheel grocery getter look downright undersized. The pedaled quad is so cargo hungry, Velove believes it can replace the cargo van when transporting smaller loads over short distances. .. Continue Reading The Velove Armadillo hauls cargo like a human-powered tractor trailer

Section: Automotive

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1927 Nobel Prize in chemistry medal up for auction

The 1927 Nobel Prize for Chemistry went to German biochemist Dr Heinrich Otto Wieland

If you've ever wanted a Nobel Prize and don't have the time to come up with a major intellectual contribution, you can just buy one… the medal, that is. Not the prize itself. At Nate D Sanders Auctions, the 1927 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is on the block today. It was originally awarded to German biochemist Dr Heinrich Otto Wieland and, according to Sanders, it's the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry medal to go up for auction, and the eighth in all... Continue Reading 1927 Nobel Prize in chemistry medal up for auction

Section: Inventors and Remarkable People

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Most comprehensive map of the universe yet could pinpoint dark matter

The map describes galaxy concentrations in our nearby sky, with our Milky Way marked by a ...

Astrophysicists from the University of Waterloo have compiled the most comprehensive 3D map of our cosmic surroundings to date. The map describes how ordinary matter is distributed in space up to a distance of about a billion light-years away from us. This survey will help scientists better understand the distribution of dark matter and explain why, to some extent, galaxies are moving erratically with respect to us... Continue Reading Most comprehensive map of the universe yet could pinpoint dark matter

Section: Space

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Save 96% On The Microsoft Office Mastery Bundle

Get 96% off with the Microsoft Office Mastery Bundle ($49)

The world works with Microsoft Office. So even if it isn’t your favorite words-and-numbers suite, it makes sense to know your way around. This bundle of seven courses provides a complete education in all things Office, and it takes 96% off the standard price... Continue Reading Save 96% On The Microsoft Office Mastery Bundle

Section: Computers

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Could aid-carrying drones assist war-torn Syria?

The Syrian Airlift Project aims to send drones loaded with much needed supplies into war-t...

Once Syria's bustling economic center, an unrelenting barrage of artillery fire, gunfights and makeshift bombs have ravaged the city of Aleppo in the last two years. Getting food and medicine to civilians is a nearly impossible task for aid groups, but one thing Aleppo and other suffering communities in northern Syria have in their favor is the close proximity of the Turkish border. So close it is that one former US Air Force cargo pilot believes launching humanitarian drones from inside Turkey is the best chance of getting these people the help they need... Continue Reading Could aid-carrying drones assist war-torn Syria?

Section: Aircraft

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