Tuesday 30 June 2015

Automatic music classification system puts songs in their place

A new computer system is able to accurately classify music according to genre

It's a growing problem: a dizzying number of songs get released to online music stores and streaming services or uploaded to archives around the world each day, and those songs need to be categorized. But how? Play the same song to 10 people and they might each put it into a different genre or subgenre. An automated genre identification system developed by researchers in India, which they claim is the best yet, could be the answer.

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Section: Music

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1ILLnDO

Maxwell EP0 might be one of the lightest e-bikes you can buy – if it reaches production

The three models of Maxwell EP0 are said to weigh from 25 to 31 lb

There's a certain irony to most e-bikes. Their motors and batteries make them easier to pedal, yet those same components also make them much heavier than regular bikes – weights of 50 to 60 lb (23 to 27 kg) aren't uncommon. Additionally, some "bike snobs" think they're kind of dorky-looking. E-bike enthusiast Troy Rank and his team, however, have set out to address the weight and appearance issues. His Maxwell EP0 looks almost entirely like a regular steel-framed flat-bar road bike, and it's claimed to weigh as little as 25 lb (11 kg) depending on the model.

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Section: Bicycles

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1T3wyDO

Streamlined shell helps robo-roach slip past obstacles

UC Berkeley's VelociRoACH, in its handy new shell

Besides simply being fascinating to watch, insect-inspired robots may someday find use as scouts in search-and-rescue operations. In order for them to function in such scenarios, however, they'll have to be able to move through fields of debris. While some scientists have looked at using sensors and algorithms that let the bots scan their surroundings and then plot paths around obstacles, researchers at UC Berkley have developed a much less complex but still effective approach – they've outfitted a robotic cockroach with a streamlined shell, that lets it just push its way through.

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Section: Robotics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1FONuV8

NASA to test Mars flying wing drone

Artist's concept of a flying wing on Mars

If a NASA experimental program pans out, the first aircraft on Mars could be a flying wing. Under development at NASA Armstrong, the Prandtl–m is a flying wing glider designed to fly piggyback with a future Mars rover mission to provide low-altitude reconnaissance. It's scheduled to begin test flights later this year.

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Section: Aircraft

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1Krcl9C

Computer system identifies cows by their muzzle prints

The skin patterns on a cow's muzzle are as unique as our fingerprints

There are already several methods of identifying cattle – branding, ear tags, tattooing and ear notching all come to mind. Now, however, Egyptian scientists are working on a new biometric system that's less invasive and more difficult to thwart: electronic muzzle-printing.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1C68f41

CanopyStair helps you traverse the treetops

CanopyStair is a modular system for attaching a staircase to the trunk of a tree

Many children have such a fascination with climbing trees that they end up persuading their parents to build them a treehouse. This offers peace, tranquility, sanctuary, and a place to connect with nature. Unfortunately, adults lose the desire to climb trees, but perhaps they wouldn't if there was an easier way to climb up into the canopy. Enter CanopyStair.

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Section: Good Thinking

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1R2uGxG

Scrubba Pack is both backpack and portable washing machine

The Scrubba Wash Pack combines a backpack and washing machine in one device

Back in 2012, the Scrubba Wash Bag was launched as the world’s smallest clothes washing machine. Now, the team behind it is launching a new bag called the Scrubba Pack, which expands upon some of the functionality of the original, while also making it function as the user’s backpack. It aims to be the one bag needed to both to carry clothes and wash them.

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Section: Good Thinking

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1C5DdJw

Can Apple Music have the same impact that the iTunes Store did?

Apple is a very different company than it was when the iTunes Store launched in 20013

Thanks to a combination of vision, savvy deal-making and the dawn of music piracy, Apple changed the music industry with iPod and the iTunes Store. Can it follow its own footsteps with a new service that, with a few exceptions, looks a lot like many that already exist?

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Section: Mobile Technology

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1T1O2Al

MIT system can fix your software bugs on its own (by borrowing from other software)

CodePhage, a software tool from MIT, can reportedly fix a common type of computer software bug by borrowing from other software

A new software being developed at MIT is proving able to autonomously repair software bugs by borrowing from other programs and across different programming languages, without requiring access to the source code. This could save developers thousands of hours of programming time and lead to much more stable software.

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Section: Computers

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1BUyZ76

LG's hexagonal battery gives an extra charge to round smartwatches

LG has developed a hexagonal smartwatch battery

If you want a smartwatch with week-long battery life, then you're better off with something like Pebble than a color touchscreen watch – they typically only last a day or two. But South Korea's LG Chem, the country's largest chemical company and part of the same corporate LG umbrella that also makes smartphones like the LG G4 and the LG G Watch Urbane smartwatch, reportedly has taken a step towards addressing the issue with a new hexagonal smartwatch battery.

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Section: Wearable Electronics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1KqPVFv

New tech, similar face for new lightweight Audi A4

Audi's new A4 is a high-tech entry into a competitive segment

It might look like all the other Audis that have been launched in the past few years, but you're staring at the brand-new, totally redesigned A4. Wider and longer than the car it replaces, the new A4 is a technological showpiece that takes advantage of autonomous driving tech and a lightweight construction to save fuel and improve performance. The A4 will also be aiming to continue Audi's reputation for crafting beautiful, bulletproof cabins by combining high-tech infotainment interfaces with high-quality materials and slick design.

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Section: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1LSH4tm

Nox Smart Sleep System offers suggestions to improve slumber

The Nox Smart Sleep System is made up of three parts: the new Nox light, the RestOn smart band and the Sleepace app

Earlier this year, China's Sleepace successfully crowdfunded and shipped a 2 mm thick smart strap that lays on the bed and monitors a user's sleep time, heart rate and breathing, body movement and sleep cycles. The RestOn then sends the collected data to a companion app running on a Bluetooth-paired smartphone for analysis. Now the company has added a smart light to the system called the Nox, which works in conjunction with the RestOn to help monitor, track and improve sleep quality.

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Section: Health and Wellbeing

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1duudSg

European climate at mercy of retreating sea ice


An international team of scientists has found that retreating sea ice between the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans is linked to weakened air-sea heat exchange in the region. This, it warns, could result in a cooler climate in western Europe and an altered or slower Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which would have knock-on effects for the Gulf Stream and consequently for the atmosphere.

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Section: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1CGtAM3

Brick-laying robot can build a full-sized house in two days

The Hadrian robot can lay up to 1,000 bricks per hour

As robots get smarter, cheaper and more versatile, they're taking on a growing number of challenges – and bricklaying can now be added to the list. Engineers in Perth, Australia, have created a fully working house-building machine that can create the brick framework of a property in just two days, working about 20 times faster than a human bricklayer.

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Section: Robotics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1LSdrbG

Luca Curci Architects envisions Vertical City for the Middle East

Vertical City is big on ambition, and Luca Curci also says it would like to make it sustainable

Italian architecture firm Luca Curci Architects recently unveiled its ambitious vision for a huge skyscraper in the Middle East. The aptly-named Vertical City would rest on the sea bed and rise out of the water to a total height of 750 m (2,460 ft).

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Section: Architecture

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1eXsLtt

Mind-controlled telepresence robot to get paralyzed people out and about

A man with severe motor disabilities controls a telepresence robot and interacts with people over Skype from his hospital bed

A telepresence robot developed at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) that can be controlled by thought may give people with severe motor disabilities a greater level of independence. Successfully put through its paces by 19 people scattered around Central Europe – nine of whom are quadriplegic and all of whom were hooked up to a brain-machine interface – the robot handled obstacle detection and avoidance on its own while the person controlling it gave general navigation instructions.

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Section: Robotics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1BSSo8r

Monday 29 June 2015

Spherical, throwable Explorer camera to land in 100 US police departments

The Explorer will be used by 100 American police forces from July

After showing the world a prototype throwable camera in 2012, Bounce Imaging is sending 100 of its Explorer cameras to police departments across the US. The Boston-based company originally conceived the idea of a throwable camera in an attempt to improve safety for first responders, but quickly gained interest from police departments whose personnel are often forced to jump headlong into potentially dangerous situations without a clear picture of what they'll face.

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Section: Digital Cameras

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1LF7h1H

Review - Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

Rocksteady hits highs and lows, in its (supposed) final installment of the initial Batman: Arkham series

The Batman: Arkham series did for superhero games what Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy did for superhero movies. As Rocksteady's third – and supposedly final – installment in the series, does Arkham Knight give this storyline the send-off it deserves?

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Section: Games

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1IIIkMs

Near-smokeless, fan-assisted Homping Grill makes charcoal grilling easier

The Homping Grill uses a fan-assisted charcoal design for a combination of flavor and convenience

Grill aficionados seem to all agree that charcoal grills provide superior flavor over gas grills. The problem, particularly when it comes to portable grills, is that the charcoal grill is messier and more time-consuming. The Homping Grill makes charcoal grilling cleaner and easier, using a battery-powered fan to increase efficiency, cut down on the amount of charcoal needed to cook, and nearly eliminate smoke.

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Section: Outdoors

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1Hv03fS

Roll Play is a multi-camera quiz show – shot from a bike

Host/producer Rich Collier confers with a potential Roll Play contestant

It's now pretty common for people to use an actioncam to record their bicycle trips. Some people even wear one, with another mounted somewhere on their bike. What isn't so common, however, is to see someone cycling with up to nine cameras going at once. That's just what Emmy-award winning producer Rich Collier does on a regular basis, however, in the production of his Roll Play TV quiz show.

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Section: Bicycles

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1FLGMiL

Microsoft's HoloLens Sidekick experiment lost in CRS-7 explosion

NASA and Microsoft engineers test Project Sidekick on NASA’s Weightless Wonder C9 jet

When the unmanned CRS-7 flight blew up in midair yesterday en route to the International Space Station (ISS), it destroyed a lot more than a shipment of freeze dried shrimp cocktail. It also meant the loss of dozens of experiments. One of more exotic of these was Sidekick; a project by NASA and Microsoft that uses the latter's HoloLens technology to provide astronauts with their own holographic augmented reality.

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Section: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1dtfPtu

Student-designed pill dispenser uses fingerprint scanner to avoid overdosing

The fingerprint-reading pill dispenser in use

And you thought that regular pill bottles were hard to open ... a new overdose-proof medication dispenser developed by a team of mechanical engineering students at Johns Hopkins University can't be opened even with the help of a hammer or drill. It does, however, deliver the proper dosage at the proper time, as long as the patient uses its built-in fingerprint scanner.

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Section: Health and Wellbeing

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1FLjQA6

Morgan Threewheeler gets the velomobile treatment

Ekomobil's pedal/electric Morgan replica on the streets of Minsk

The Morgan Threewheeler is definitely a unique vehicle, although with prices starting just shy of £30,000 (about US$47,000) ... well, it ain't cheap. That said, if it's mainly just the look of the thing that you like, you might consider saving quite a few bucks and going with the human/electric hybrid replica now being offered by Minsk-based Ekomobil.

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Section: Bicycles

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1R007sf

Review: Taking a dip in Touchjet's Pond

The Pond Android computer/projector from Touchjet

About this time last year, a pint-sized mashup of projector and Android computer hit crowdfunding portal Indiegogo. The TouchPico allowed users to activate icons thrown on the wall or whiteboard using a stylus-like pointing device, effectively turning any flat surface into a giant touchscreen display. We got a chance to see the pre-release prototype in action at IFA 2014, engaging the company's Slava Solonitsyn in a quick fruity game on a nearby wall. The newly-named Touchjet Pond started shipping last month, and one of the first units off the production line made its way to Gizmag for review.

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Section: Computers

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1R006op

New nanogenerator might set energy-generating car wheels in motion

The toy car which was used during initial trials

Cars are one of mankind's most revolutionary creations. But just like with the iPhone, space travel or Wi-Fi, there's always room for improvement. In the eyes of a team of University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers, one of the more promising ways automotive technology might be improved upon lies in the energy wastage caused by friction as tires roll across the road. Armed with special nanogenerator and a toy Jeep, the researchers have demonstrated that this power can be captured and turned into electricity, a development that could bring about better fuel efficiency in the full-sized cars of the future.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine http://ift.tt/1FL578e