Monday 30 November 2015

Oscillating electric field used to remove nanoparticles from blood

An artist's representation of the chip that uses an oscillating electric field (purple arcs) to separate ...

Nanoparticles as a vehicle for delivering drugs precisely where they are needed promise to be a major revolution in medical science. Unfortunately, retrieving those particles from the body for detailed study is a long and involved process. But that may soon change with a team of engineers at the University of California, San Diego developing a technique that uses an oscillating electric field to separate nanoparticles from blood plasma in a way that may one day make it a routine procedure.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Walli smart wallet buzzes your phone if you leave it or your cards behind

Walli sends an alert to the user's phone should it be left behind

For something so easily misplaced, a lost wallet can cause an inordinate amount of hassle. Chores like replacing a driver's license and calling the bank to cancel credit cards, while resigning oneself to the loss of whatever cash was stored within, aren't much fun in anyone's book. The people behind Walli are aiming to save forgetful folk from such hassles, by giving their smartphone a nudge when the wallet or some of its contents are left behind.

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Section: Mobile Technology

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Sponge made from layers of nanosheets shows promise in soaking up oil spills

A new material developed at Deakin University could help in clean up efforts following oil spills

Five years on and questions still remain over the Deepwater Horizons oil spill, where millions of gallons of crude oil were spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps the most pressing is how oil might be best cleaned up should such an environmental catastrophe occur in the future. A team of Australian researchers claims to have found an answer, developing a special porous material that is claimed to soak up to 33 times its own weight in oil and organic solvents.

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Section: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

The best gets better: Bugatti confirms Geneva debut for all-new Chiron

Bugatti confirms the

Production of the Bugatti Veyron ended earlier this year, leaving a void up around the top of the supercar food chain. That void will be filled soon enough with a Veyron successor, but while there have been plenty of unconfirmed rumors and reports about the "Chiron" not much has come from Bugatti itself. That all changes this week, as Bugatti confirms both the model's name and its coming debut at next year's Geneva Motor Show. In just a few months, the world's fastest car gets an even more capable successor.

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Section: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Airbus patent shows modular, removable aircraft cabins

The patent puts forward a vision of a very different airport experience

According to a recently-granted patent, Airbus is exploring the potential of creating a new breed of versatile, modular aircraft that would see detachable passenger cabins slot into a hole in an aeroplane's fuselage. The concept has the potential to revolutionize air travel, while providing significant savings for airlines by reducing the time that planes spend idle on the ground.

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Section: Aircraft

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New process allows inkjet printers to produce rainbow holograms

An example of one of the inkjet-printed security holograms

Credit card and banknote-style security holograms are an effective form of anti-counterfeiting technology, as they're very difficult to replicate. Every time a new batch is made, however, a "master hologram" has to be created first, to act as a template. These masters can take days to produce, using complex, expensive equipment. That could be about to change, however, as scientists at Russia's ITMO University have developed a quick-and-easy hologram production method that utilizes a regular inkjet printer.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Your gut bacteria could be the key to fighting obesity

The microbes in your gut signal your brain when you're full

Obesity is on the rise around the world, and if left unchecked this could have serious consequences for our overall health in the decades to come. However, it turns out that the bacteria living in your gut can help control how much food you eat ... which could change the way we all control our appetites in the future.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Scientists identify protein central to cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease

The study found that amyloid-beta plaques in the brain reduce levels on the protein BRCA1 (red) ...

A study from researchers at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco has examined the protein BRCA1, using a combination of tests on laboratory mice and human brain tissue to determine that the protein is central to learning and retaining memories. The work highlights the importance of the protein in relation to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease, and could help in the development of future treatments.

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Section: Medical

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Genii Cast Hub shares livestreamed video content to anyone in the world

The actual Genii Cast Hub can fit on an open hand, and packs hardware capable of ...

Media entertainment tends to be more fun when experienced with friends and family, but it's not always convenient if those people live far away. A new device by Genii is designed to diminish the limitations of distance by livestreaming games, movies, or shows to anyone in the world. The Cast Hub allows up to six mobile devices to watch the same content, offering users the ability to enjoy and interact with each other in real time, as if on a virtual couch.

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Section: Electronics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

The 11 best and most-wanted tech toys for Christmas 2015

Gizmag looks at some of the best tech toys for Christmas 2015

Gone are the days when a spinning top or wind-up car were the pinnacle of toy technology. Nowadays kids expect their toys to connect to the internet, pair with smart devices, and let them join in the latest tech trends, often before their parents. To help you (and Santa) keep up, here's Gizmag's guide to the 11 best tech toys which are expected to be hits this Christmas.

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Section: Children

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Review: Gizmag drives the formidable little Alfa Romeo 4C

Running fast is one thing, but running fast in a zig-zag is where things get more ...

There are few things as satisfying as driving a car that has no doubts about its purpose. The Alfa Romeo 4C is a race car made for the track lover who would prefer not to haul the car to the track on a trailer. It is, in short, a street-legal track car. It knows this and revels in it.

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Section: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

VIMOB shelters are easy to build in difficult places

The VIMOB prototype covers an area of 37 sq m (398 sq ft)

If you've ever found the ideal spot for your own remote cabin but thought it too inaccessible to build in, the new VIMOB shelter may be for you. Created by Colectivo Creativo Arquitectos, it is designed for construction in areas that are difficult to access. It's modular, prefabricated and reportedly easy to assemble.

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Section: Architecture

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

MIT study asserts that there is little risk of Earth's goemagnetic field flipping in the near future

MIT graphic displaying a flip of the geomagnetic field

A new MIT study suggests that there is little danger of Earth's geomagnetic field flipping in the near future. Previous research in the area had predicted an imminent flip (in geological terms) that would leave all life on Earth temporarily un-shielded from a plethora of dangers posed by deep space phenomenon.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Living Ink adds time-lapse element to arty doodles

Living Ink is an algae-based ink that grows over time

While looking for a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based inks, a team of researchers stumbled upon an algae-based solution that sees artwork grow on paper over the course of a few days. Colorado (US)-based startup Living Ink Technologies has now taken to Kickstarter to get its "time-lapse" ink into the hands of children, artists and teachers.

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Section: Good Thinking

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

CityHub hotel offers city-wide Wi-Fi and a personal assistant app

CityHub aims to combine the privacy and comfort of a hotel with the community feel and ...

A new hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands, is catering to a new generation of travellers. CityHub provides what it says is important to 20- to 35-year-old digital natives. Rooms are small but comfortable, stays are inexpensive and the hotel's free internet access covers the whole city.

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Section: Holiday Destinations

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Mstick LED light wand can wake you up and help you cook

The Mstick can be used as a cooking timer

The Mstick is a curious little device. It doesn't immediately appear to fall easily into any category and yet has multiple useful functions. It seems conspicuously unusual and yet strangely compelling. It's just an LED light stick. But it's also a timer, an alarm and a weather forecast display.

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Section: Electronics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New process produces hydrogen from methane, without emitting CO2

An experimental reactor has been designed by researchers that's capable of separating methane into components of ...

Natural gas accounts for over 28 percent of US energy consumption. Its main component, methane, is a widely-used fossil fuel but also a major contributor to rising CO2 levels, and thus climate change. To address this issue, researchers from the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a process that extracts the energy content of methane, in the form hydrogen, without producing carbon dioxide.

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Section: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Sunday 29 November 2015

Audi redesigns R18 hybrid race car for 2016 season

Audi premiered its new R18 racer at the Audi Sport Finale

Audi premiered its new R18 racer at the Audi Sport Finale at the Audi Training Center Munich on Saturday, November 28, saying the 2016 season R18 has been fundamentally redesigned to improve aerodynamics, its hybrid drivetrain, and lightweight build.

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Section: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

DJI's agriculture drone takes to the air down on the farm

DJI's MG-1 system uses a wave radar to zoom over crops at a consistent altitude

They may not capture the imagination in the same way as say, drones that deliver items in 30 minutes or shoot stunning 4K video, but drones stand to have a big impact on agriculture. Crop dusting and seeding has been carried out by aircraft for more than a century, but we are starting to see their autonomous and agile younger cousins emerge as highly suitable tools for the job. This is of course not lost on the world's biggest drone maker DJI, which has just a launched a drone for farmers that can be programmed to cover acres of farmland in pesticides every hour.

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Section: Drones

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Researchers develop high-performance underwater glue inspired by mussels

A new wet adhesive sticks to surfaces underwater by mimicking the proteins in mussel feet

UC Santa Barbara scientists have replicated the uncanny underwater adhesive capacity of mussels – which has previously inspired a surgical glue – in a versatile and strong synthetic material. The ultra-thin material boasts up to 10 times the effectiveness of prior wet/underwater adhesives, and its low molecular weight and functional properties means that it can be used to boost the performance of existing bulk adhesives, as well as in such varied applications as dentistry, nanofabrication, and underwater repair.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Backyard biogas converter turns household food scraps into cooking gas

HomeBiogas claims its digester can digest up to 6 liters of food waste or 15 liters ...

An Israeli startup is planning to help families everywhere turn their food scraps into cooking gas. HomeBioGas Ltd has just launched a crowdfunding campaign to bring a compact biogas converter to urban and rural areas in developed countries, and to underserved communities in developing countries. According to the company, the HomeBiogas system can turn kitchen leftovers and livestock manure into natural liquid fertilizer and clean gas for cooking, lighting and water heating.

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Section: Around The Home

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Drone attachment scans disaster zones for breathing and heartbeats

The Lynx6-A module can be attached to any low-cost, small drone to increase search and rescue ...

Getting drones into the air to aid in search and rescue missions is becoming one of the technologies more promising applications, with infrared cameras and even artificial intelligence offering valuable new tools in combing areas for humans and objects. But one company is looking to add yet another layer of sophistication to robotic rescue teams, launching a drone-attachment that can detect the heartbeats and breathing of people trapped under rubble.

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Section: Drones

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Moto Guzzi rolls out new V9 cruiser family

Moto Guzzi introduces a new engine platform, initiated by two new models, the V9 Roamer and ...

Italian motorcycle manufacturer Motto Guzzi introduced two models at EICMA built around a brand new 850cc engine. The V9 Roamer and Bobber represent the evolution of the Nevada 750 – one of the longest running models in Moto Guzzi's contemporary range – and signal a fresh take on the company's trademark air-cooled transverse twin tradition.

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Section: Motorcycles

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Review: JBL Everest 700 Elite wireless headphones

JBL Everest 700 Elite is one of five new JBL headphones in the Everest line

JBL's new Everest line of headphones features around-ear, on-ear, and in-ear styles that are billed as combining up-market audio technology, ergonomics and wireless connectivity. We recently got hold of a pair of the flagship Everest 700 Elite model and hit play to see what they could do.

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Section: Music

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New power cell taps into "blue-green" power source

Researchers have produced a power cell that tapa into the electrical energy generated by blue-green algae

Researchers from Concordia University in Montreal are looking to tap into what may be the most plentiful yet overlooked source of power in the world. The group has invented a power cell that harnesses the electricity created during the natural processes of photosynthesis and respiration o blue-green algae.

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Section: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine