Sunday 31 July 2016

Subaru XV Hybrid goes to STI handling school

The Subaru XV Hybrid tS is a sharper handling hybrid crossover

It can be easy to forget the first letter in SUV stands for sports when tall city crossovers are hampered by their high center of gravity, making them less agile and exciting than regular hatchbacks. Seemingly unconcerned by the basic principles of physics, Subaru's STI division has created the XV Hybrid tS, in attempt to turn an uninspiring, slow crossover into a slightly more inspiring, slow crossover.

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Category: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Gizmag is now New Atlas: Why we've changed our name

For almost 15 years we've worked hard to keep you up to date with the rise of technology and its impact on our daily lives. That has lead us into new frontiers, and now, a new name.

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Category: Good Thinking

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

No parachute, no problem: Maniacal skydiver nets world-record freefall

With no wingsuit or parachute, Aikens would have to use only the air currents to guide ...

With no chute, no wingsuit and a big net awaiting somewhere far below, lifelong skydiver and certified madman Luke Aikens tumbled out of the airplane to begin his 25,000-ft freefall. Two minutes later he would embrace his family as the first skydiver to pull off such a feat, but the daring world record attempt wasn't without some last-minute complications.

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Desalination plant would go deep to protect marine life

Map of proposed Deep Water Desal desalination plant

A desalination project proposed for California's central coast would draw water from one of the world's deepest submarine canyons, making it potentially less harmful to ocean life. The Deep Water Desal facility would require substantially less energy to operate than typical desalination plants, use renewable energy sources, and provide cooling for a data center that would be built in tandem. It's projected to produce 25,000 acre-feet (30 million cubic meters) of freshwater per year, serving 50,000 homes.

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Category: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Friday 29 July 2016

Kyboka hand cart folds flat and straps to your shoulder

Kyboka is running a Kickstarter now

Hand carts are a great way to roll gear where it needs to go. But what happens when the gear you need to haul is the cart itself? If it's the Kyboka, you fold it flat in a matter of seconds, drop it in the accompanying shoulder bag and get going.

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Category: Outdoors

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

SpaceX receives order for second manned mission

Artist's concept of a SpaceX Crew Dragon docking with the International Space Station

SpaceX has been awarded a second post-certification mission order for its Crew Dragon manned spacecraft to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station. NASA says that the new contract, which could lead to as many as six flights, will put the United States back into the manned spaceflight game and free US crews to spend more time on scientific research.

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Category: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Expanding yacht increases sun-soaked lounging and swimming enjoyment

Ready for speed and relaxation on the water

The Italian-built Evo 43 makes itself known as a sharp, stylish boat the minute you spot it on the water. But it's even more than meets the eye. When it's time to go from tearing across the open sea to relaxing in the sun, aft sections of its bulwark expand outward to create a large terrace for sunbathing and swimming. It's a marriage of quick, nimble motoring and spacious lounging.

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Category: Marine

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

How dastardly squirrels drive crime scene investigators nuts

Not as cute as they look, squirrels needing to chew can wreak havoc on a crime ...

Crime scene investigators already have plenty to worry about. But now they've got one more foe: squirrels. We're not joking. The rodents with razor-sharp incisors chew up crime scenes to maintain their dentition, says new research led by James Pokines at the Boston University School of Medicine.

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Category: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Improved memory may be just a brain-zap away

The study involved enhancing the

Why do we need to sleep? Well, for one thing, that's when our brains sort and process what we've learned during the day, storing it away as memories. When people suffer from conditions such as Alzheimer's, autism or schizophrenia, however, that function can be compromised. Now, scientists at the University of North Carolina have discovered that help for such individuals may lie in the form of zapping their brains while they sleep.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Corkscrew-shaped vortex lasers could keep Moore's Law kicking a little longer

Rendering of a vortex laser on a chip

In recent years, concerns that Moore's Law is about to fall apart have been intensifying as engineers have just about squeezed the maximum amount of processing power possible out of each atom in intricately fabricated silicon chips. But a new study suggests that encoding information using corkscrew-shaped laser beams could help us keep pace with our ever-increasing data demands

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Category: Physics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Fighting biofilms by messing with the language of bacteria

The left side shows a biofilm made up of the Klebsiella oxytoca bacteria, while the left ...

If you've ever had a vase of flowers develop a stinky slimy film inside, then you're familiar with biofilms. While these organized gangs of bacteria are unpleasant in such a situation, in medical setting like hospitals, they can be downright dangerous. Biofilms are notoriously difficult to dispatch (think about how hard it is to clean that vase), so researchers at Germany's Kiel University, in cooperation with colleagues at the Hamburg University of Technology, figured it might be best to stop them from growing in the first place. They focussed their attention on the communication mechanism inside the colony.

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Category: Biology

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Getting out of Auto: Understanding ISO on your digital camera

We look at the ISO setting on your camera, and when you should change it

Camera manufacturers increasingly like to crow about ISO ranges when launching a new camera, with high ISO numbers now reaching into the hundreds of thousands. But what do these numbers really mean? Here we look at what ISO is, and how you can use different ISO settings to not only to shoot in varying lighting conditions, but also take more control of your photographs as you move out of auto mode.

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Category: Digital Cameras

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Dream Home 2.0: Starchitect plans on a budget

Hugh Newell Jacobsen often designed homes involving a large pavilion, which is at the center of ...

In the 1990's, Life magazine ran a series of articles in which they asked some of the most renowned architects at the time to design homes that could be built for under US$200,000. They also sold the plans. One of the most popular of those designs, by architect Hugh Newell Jacobsen has been revamped and made available for sale again – although inflation has had it's way with the price tag.

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Category: Architecture

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Is exposure to deep space radiation killing off Apollo-era astronauts?

Buzz Aldrin pictured on the surface of the Moon

Florida State University Professor Michael Delp has identified a link between deep space radiation exposure and a high rate of mortality due to cardiovascular problems in astronauts who flew beyond low-Earth orbit (LEO) during the Apollo program. Research based on the discovery could be used to safeguard future astronauts undertaking the next phase of manned space exploration.

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Category: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Comets aren't collision crumbs according to Rosetta

Comet 67/P

The Rosetta mission is dispelling the notion that comets are leftover bits from crushing cosmic collisions. Instead, analysis of data from the European Space Agency mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko suggests that the icy bodies could actually be leftover from the primordial process of Solar System formation.

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Princeton is building a better selfie

Though fairly subtle, the tool is able to make selfies look at lot more like the ...

Millions of selfies are snapped every day, all over the world. While there are plenty of tools out there to add filters to images, the end results are rarely the same as reality, with the proximity of the camera causing unflattering distortions. A Princeton-designed tool could change all that, allowing selfies to be adjusted, giving the impression that they're taken from a little farther away, and even from a slightly different angle.

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Category: Digital Cameras

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Skydiver to plummet to Earth with no parachute or wingsuit

Aikins has over 18,000 jumps under his belt and has performed a variety of skydiving stunts

There's a good reason people don't throw themselves out of airplanes without parachutes or wingsuits, and that's because it rarely ends well. Skydiver Luke Aikins will be hoping that tomorrow is one of the rare occasions where that's not the case, as he jumps 'chute- and 'suit-less from 25,000 ft.

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Category: Sports

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New York's acoustic buoy detects first whale species

After being deployed last month, the buoy quickly started picking up the sounds of fin whales

Last month, an acoustic monitoring buoy was put in place in the New York Bight, listening out for sounds from some of the world's largest mammals. A joint project between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Wildlife Conservation Society's New York Aquarium, the buoy has already picked up sounds from a heard of fin whales – the second largest whale species on the planet.

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Category: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

BMW M4 Coupé to hit the track as M4 GT4

The engine of the M4 GT4 will be tuned to kick out between 430 bhp (321 ...

What you see above is the first glimpse of BMW's upcoming M4 GT4 racer. It is set to supersede the popular M3 GT4 as BMW's offering for GT4 class race championships. The car will be based on the BMW M4 Coupé, boasting the same drivetrain and electronics.

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Solar cell sucks up CO2 and spits burnable fuel out the other side

The solar cell converts atmospheric carbon dioxide directly into syngas, using light for energy

Recreating a plant's ability to use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into fuel, something known as artificial photosynthesis, is one of the holy grails of green energy research. Researchers have now edged closer toward this dream technology, developing what they describe as a game-changing solar cell that produces hydrocarbon fuels in the lab, with potential applications ranging from large-scale uses on Earth to providing power on Mars.

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Category: Energy

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

LaFerrari, 918 Spyder and McLaren P1 to go under auctioneer's hammer

The P1 is a handsome car, but it's not the most subtle car in this shade ...

From humble beginnings, hybrid technology has been turned into a weapon of performance by Ferrari, Porsche and McLaren. Unfortunately, anyone who wanted to get their hands on that performance needed a manufacturer's invite for the LaFerrari, 918 Spyder and P1. And all three were only ever built in incredibly limited numbers. After a bunch of upcoming auctions, we're likely to know which of the three holds the most value in the eyes of collectors.

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Category: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

SeaCharger completes California to Hawaii ocean adventure

The SeaCharger takes a well-earned rest after its epic 2,413 mile solo voyage from California to ...

Back in May, engineer Damon McMillan announced that his two-year garage project would start making its 2,000-mile solo voyage on Memorial Day. As planned, the solar-powered SeaCharger entered Californian water on May 30, but didn't get very far. A software bug forced the attempt to be abandoned. A couple of weeks later, though, and the 8-foot long craft was on its way again. And just over 41 days after relaunch, it arrived safely at Mahukona, Hawaii.

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Category: Marine

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Retro-Bit Generations brings arcade classics home

Retro-Bit Generations is releasing a new plug-and-play console loaded with over 100 games from the arcade ...

It's fast turning into 1990 all over again. Within the next few months, Nintendo's iconic NES is being shrunk down and loaded up with games, and Sega is following suit with a new mini Mega Drive. But for those whose gaming nostalgia brings up memories of noisy arcades and dingy bars, the Retro-Bit Generations takes over 100 classic games from the arcade era and jams them onto one little machine.

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Thursday 28 July 2016

Smart bricks would enable walls capable of generating electricity, clean water and oxygen

Researchers are developing

A lot of things are becoming "smart" these days, but bricks might not be something you'd expect to be added to the list. On the way to buildings that act like "large-scale living organisms," scientists at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) are developing smart bricks that would make use of microbes to recycle wastewater, generate electricity and produce oxygen.

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Category: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Teaching koalas a safer way to cross the road

Koalas may be a little smarter than first thought after quickly learning to favor safer road ...

Koalas aren't the most intellectual of animals, but these leaf-loving tree-dwellers may be smarter than we give them credit for. In a first-of-a-kind study, scientists have tracked the marsupial's activity in response to newly installed wildlife crossings and found that, while dolphins they are not, these fluffy herbivores learnt very quickly to avoid oncoming traffic when presented with a safe alternative path.

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Category: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine