Wednesday 31 January 2018

Gallery: SkyPixel's jaw-dropping drone photos of the year

An Intha fisherman goes to work in Myanmar. This drone shot won first prize in the ...

Like competitor Dronestagram, SkyPixel is a platform dedicated to drone photography, and like Dronestagram, SkyPixel holds an annual photo contest that brings out the very best imagery from this emerging art form. Here are the class of 2017, in all their high-flying glory.

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Category: Drones

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from New Atlas

Fossil footprints show dinosaurs and early mammals living side-by-side

A sandstone slab found on the grounds of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center contains fossilized footprints ...

A new discovery has been made at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, that has nothing to do with space. A sandstone slab covered in fossilized footprints has been excavated from the grounds, giving us a glimpse into a day-in-the-life of the area about 100 million years ago. The slab contains 70 tracks from at least eight different species, including rarely-seen interactions between both dinosaurs and mammals.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

How Australian trees beat the extreme heat by sweating

The Whole Tree Chambers at Western Sydney University

Researchers from Western Sydney University have uncovered the novel strategies Australian eucalypt trees use to survive extreme heatwaves. One remarkable process involves the tree evaporating large volumes of water through its leaves in a process is similar to sweating.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Discovery of "anxiety cells" in mice could lead to better therapies

New research has identified and controlled suspected

Anxiety is an important emotional state, having evolved to help us be on guard in the face of potential threats. But in the modern world anxiety manifests in a multitude of dysfunctional ways, leaving many people suffering from debilitating disorders. A new study has opened up a potential pathway to future anti-anxiety treatments after effectively demonstrating the identification of specific "anxiety cells" in the brains of mice and successfully turning those cells on or off with beams of light.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Bike wheel lights go battery-less

An Indiegogo campaign will be used to raise production funds for Arara lights

You've doubtless seen those little LEDs that can be fastened to a bicycle's spokes, that create a ring of light when the wheel is spinning. While they do make the bike much more visible at night, they're one more thing that needs batteries. Arara wheel lights, however, are powered by frame-mounted magnets.

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Category: Bicycles

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from New Atlas

“Electrical” textile shifts sweat for skiers

Osmotex's Joacim Holter puts HYDRO_BOT technology to the test in Norway

While there are already various types of winter sportswear textiles that are claimed to draw sweat away from the skin while still keeping the wearer warm, HYDRO_BOT is certainly unique. Developed by a consortium that includes Switzerland's Empa research group, it utilizes gold and electricity.

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Category: Wearables

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from New Atlas

60 years ago today, America launched its first satellite into orbit

The Jupiter-C rocket, captured launching from Cape Canaveral on January 31, 1958

On this day 60 years ago, America became the second country to send a human-made object into low-Earth orbit, with the successful launch of its first satellite – Explorer 1. The launch of Explorer 1 took place against the backdrop of the Cold War between the United States and its adversary, the Soviet Union, which had shocked the world by launching Sputnik 1 into orbit in October of 1957.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

Qantas makes world's first US-to-Australia biofuel flight

The biofuel was derived from a mustard seed known as Brassica Carinata

This past Sunday, Qantas flight QF96 departed from Los Angeles and arrived in Melbourne 15 hours later. What made the trans-Pacific flight special is the fact that it was the first time an airliner flying from the US to Australia was powered – at least partially – by biofuel.

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Category: Aircraft

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from New Atlas

Fujifilm updates selfie-optimized, retro-styled mirrorless camera

The X-A5 mirrorless camera comes supplied with a brand new wide-angle zoom lens

Back in August 2016, Fujifilm launched a budget-friendly compact mirrorless camera designed to get selfie-obsessed young snappers using its retro-styled brand of shooters. Now the company has announced its successor, the X-A5, which keeps the same megapixel count as the outgoing model, but gets a performance bump and faster, more accurate autofocus. Also in the box will be a brand new zoom lens.

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Category: Digital Cameras

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from New Atlas

ESO captures an ominous view of a dark nebula

A wide field image of the Lupus 3 region

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has released the most detailed view to date of the ominous Lupus 3 dark nebula, one of the closest star formation regions to our Sun. Lupus 3 is located roughly 600 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Scorpius, and is known to host a population of young stellar bodies and protostars.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

The 100 Most interesting sales at Las Vegas motorcycle auctions

The 100 most interesting auction sales of motorcycles from January 2018

There is little doubt that the motorcycle auction marketplace was evolving at the year-defining Las Vegas auctions this year, both on a macro and micro level. Mecum's five day sale from January 23 to 27 was the largest single auction of motorcycles ever held, with Bonhams' one day sale setting a new world record for a motorcycle sold at auction by fetching $979,000 for a 1951 Vincent Black Lightning.

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Category: Motorcycles

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from New Atlas

Tuesday 30 January 2018

New research reveals genetic evidence of "muscle memory"

Muscle growth was found to leave an epigenetic trace in muscle genes, helping muscles grow faster ...

New research led by at team at Keele University has revealed that human skeletal muscle has an epigenetic memory determined by earlier growth. This very literal discovery of "muscle memory" not only offers new insight into how exercise and rehabilitation programs can better target genes responsible for muscle growth, but potentially has dramatic implications for the long-lasting effects of performance-enhancing muscle building drugs.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

The walking, crawling, rolling, jumping, swimming "millirobot" that could carry drugs through your body

Max Planck researchers have developed a millirobot that can walk, crawl, jump, climb, roll, swim and ...

There are plenty of designs for tiny robots that could one day be swimming and crawling through our bodies to deliver drugs, patch up wounds or clean out clogged arteries. But most of these are limited to one method of movement and might not handle complex terrain. Now, a team from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems has developed a "millirobot" that can walk, crawl, jump, climb, roll, swim and carry loads like a microrobotic Mario.

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Category: Robotics

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from New Atlas

"Brain pacemaker" could slow Alzheimer’s-related cognitive decline

LaVonn Moore received deep brain stimulation in the frontal lobes of her brain as part of ...

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a technique where wires are implanted into specific areas of the brain to deliver very mild electrical stimulation. Colloquially referred to as a "brain pacemaker," DBS is currently being investigated as treatment for a variety of conditions, from Parkinson's disease to depression. A new study from Ohio State University is now suggesting the technique could be effective in improving behavioral and cognitive deficits in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

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Category: Medical

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from New Atlas

How 3D printing is disrupting the architecture and design industry

The Vulcan Pavillon, Beijing Design Week 2015, showcases the potential of 3D printing in design and ...

Three-dimensional printing is one of the most talked-about technologies of this decade. Some consider it the beginning of the third industrial revolution, while others point out the constraints of the technique. Is 3D printing changing our architecture, and is it the way we'll design our homes in the future? Below, we look at the phenomenon of 3D printing worldwide, including a delicate resin pavilion in China, classical-design-inspired concrete beams in Italy and buildings that "think" in Germany.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Video camera sees your heartbeat in your skin

USU alumnus Nate Ruben, left, and Dr. Jake Gunther

Are stethoscopes on their way to becoming obsolete? It's possible, as scientists from Utah State University have developed a no-contact method of measuring a person's heartbeat utilizing a video camera and custom software.

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Category: Medical

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from New Atlas

Wooden bike is mass-produced to order

The My Esel Cross bike, on display at ISPO 2018

Back when Austrian entrepreneur Christoph Frandorfer was an architecture student, he developed knee and back problems from riding a bicycle that didn't fit. Unfortunately, he couldn't afford to get a bike custom-made for his measurements. That's where he first got the idea for My Esel, which is billed as "the world's first mass-produced custom bike."

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Category: Bicycles

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from New Atlas

Nuro unveils its autonomous delivery vehicle

Nuro knows to stop for pedestrians

We've seen ground-based delivery drones before, although they're typically little things that are designed to travel on sidewalks along with pedestrians. Nuro, however, is different. The vehicle is made to go on the road like a regular car, and today it was announced that it's got US$92 million in Series A funding behind it.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Land Rover puts its name to a rugged new modular phone for the outdoors

The Land Rover Explore is designed to go anywhere and survive anything

With the Mobile World Congress fast approaching (the biggest phone show of the year), you can expect quite a few phone previews and teasers in the coming weeks. First out of the gate is the heavy-duty Land Rover Explore Outdoor Phone, complete with modular blocks covering GPS and battery boosts.

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Category: Outdoors

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from New Atlas

Shipping container water sports center makes a splash

The Water Sports Center Halsskov's diving tower is made from three stacked shipping containers

Architects never seem to tire of experimenting with shipping containers and some of the many uses conceived for the metal boxes include houses, offices and swimming pools. We can now add water sports center to the list, courtesy of engineering firm Sweco.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Mini electric boat takes to the water for pint-sized motoring fun

Bay Area maker Josh Tulberg pushes off to motor along at up to 4 knots in ...

After seeing a few fine mini boat examples online, like the 8ft (2.4 m)-long Little Miss Sally by Paul Elkins, Bay Area maker Josh Tulberg of Rapid Whale decided to embark of a build of his own. But he wanted his Mini Boat to be shorter than the rest, so took to sketching, modeling in Solidworks and testing a 1:2.2 scale model in a hot tub before laser cutting and 3D-printing a petite electric single-seater and sploshing it in the water. Now the teeny electric boat is being made available as a build-it-yourself kit.

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Category: Marine

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from New Atlas

Naked mole-rats found to violate biological laws of aging

According to a new study, naked mole-rats technically don't age

They look pretty vulnerable, but naked mole-rats are up there with tardigrades in terms of hardy animals. The wrinkly rodents are all but immune to cancer, they're long-lived, they don't feel much pain, and they can actually survive extended periods without oxygen by mimicking plants. Now, researchers at Calico Life Sciences have uncovered a new superpower: technically, naked mole-rats don't age, violating what was previously considered a fundamental biological law.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Fascinating Air Suspension Wheels bring new thinking to one of man's oldest problems

Wheelchair users would likely experience more ride comfort, as well as a vastly superior ability to ...

Yes, it's another airless tire invention, but one with some interesting advantages. Air Suspension wheels can't go flat or get punctures, you can change between treads with a spanner and no jacks, and they offer some interesting dynamic capabilities that could see them being very useful in large mining applications and even wheelchairs.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Monday 29 January 2018

Saharan school-bus-sized sauropod patches up fossil record

Mansourasaurus shahinae was a school-bus-sized sauropod that plodded around Africa about 80 million years ago

The fossil record is patchy at best, but there's a particularly large hole in time and space over Africa towards the end of the dinosaurs' reign. Now, paleontologists have discovered a new species in the Sahara Desert that fits right in that gap. Meet Mansourasaurus shahinae, a school-bus-sized sauropod that plodded around Africa about 80 million years ago, which is helping scientists piece together the geology and evolutionary situation of the Late Cretaceous.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Turning up the heat at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Redline Ice Driving Adventure

The lineup of vehicles at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Redline Ice Driving Adventure in Colorado

Driving a vehicle on ice usually means being careful and very slow so as not to slide or lose control. Things we completely threw out the window on a visit to Winter Park, Colorado, for the 2018 Rocky Mountain Redline Ice Driving Adventure, where we were lucky enough to drive a variety of vehicles on ice under the (loose) supervision of race drivers. Here's what ensued and how we escaped without litigation.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas