Thursday 31 May 2018

MITO underwater drone wants to go steady with you

The Navatics MITO weighs 6.6 lb (2.9 kg) and has a maximum forward speed of 2 ...

Although there are currently not many consumer underwater drones that are actually being shipped to customers, there are quite a few that are in pre-production. One of the latest, the Navatics MITO, is claimed to shoot steadier video than any other.

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Category: Drones

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from New Atlas

System locks down schools in response to gunshots

AIMS is intended to thwart shooters entering schools

It's a sad fact that school shootings are becoming a semi-regular occurrence in the US. While there are varying opinions on what to do about the problem, Intrusion Technologies' Active Intruder Mitigation System (AIMS) is designed to minimize casualties when a shooter does enter a school.

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Category: Good Thinking

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from New Atlas

The doctor is in ... your pocket, courtesy of Samsung and Babylon

The Ask an Expert, powered by Babylon service is available in the UK from today via ...

When you're not feeling your best, getting checked out by a local doctor can bring peace of mind or catch any nasty infection early. But making time for a visit when there doesn't seem to be any room in packed schedules could make you feel worse. What if you could just whip out your smartphone and check your symptoms with a virtual expert or book a live video slot with a real doctor? That's precisely what the Ask an Expert offers Samsung users, with some AI help from Babylon.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from New Atlas

30 stories of stacked irregular discs to form landmark tower in Stockholm

The Discus tower will house between 450 to 500 apartments of different sizes spread out over ...

The district of Nacka in Sweden's capital is a busy area where the big city ends and the Stockholm Archipelago begins, and it's about to get a fair bit busier. The municipality is moving ahead with rail extensions and real estate developments as it prepares for an impending population boom, and an offbeat new tower is set to become a symbol of its new modernity and growth.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

DJI drones help free whales from ocean debris

DJI has donated some of its Phantom 4 Pro drones to a project that provides aerial ...

It's not just domestic plastic waste that's threatening marine life across the globe, discarded fishing gear and other marine debris can be just as deadly. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been using small boats full of specialists to help free entangled whales at a Hawaiian sanctuary, but it's dangerous work for the trained teams. DJI has joined forces with NOAA and Oceans Unmanned to explore safer whale rescue – using drones.

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Category: Drones

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from New Atlas

Construction of Europe's first underwater restaurant starts above water

Europe's first underwater restaurant, appropriately-named Under, is due to be completed in early 2019

We initially covered Snøhetta's ambitious design for Europe's first underwater restaurant back in late 2017. The high-profile firm has now revealed that the appropriately-named Under is, well, under construction in Norway's southernmost tip.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Intellivision jumping back into the game with new console

Intellivision has announced plans to release a new video game console

Before Sony vs. Microsoft, before Nintendo vs. Sega, the video game console war of the early 1980s was waged between Intellivision and Atari. Silent for decades, it now looks like that battleground is about to be active once again. Not to be left in the dust after Atari's announcement of the VCS, Intellivision has now revealed it also plans to jump back in the ring with a brand new console of its own.

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Category: Games

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from New Atlas

Mother of all lizards? World's oldest lizard fossil drags their origins back 75 million years

Recreation of life in the Dolomites 240 million years ago, with the oldest lizard known to ...

Lizards and snakes belong to a family of animals called squamates, and today there are almost 10,000 different species slithering around the world's deserts, backyards, forests and mountains. But who is the mother of them all? Scientists have now pinned the origins of this family on a 240-million-year-old fossil that fills in some of the long-time blanks in their early evolutionary history.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Huge underground xenon experiment zeroes in on dark matter

The XENON1T facility, on the left is the water tank containing the instrument itself, with a ...

Directly detecting dark matter would be one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time – but it's no easy feat to find something that's invisible and barely interacts with regular matter. Now the results are in from one of the most comprehensive dark matter experiments ever run, and while the stuff was again a no-show, the study helps scientists zero in on where it might be hiding.

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Category: Physics

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from New Atlas

Wednesday 30 May 2018

For the first time, scientists 3D-print human corneas

Co-author Dr. Steve Swioklo (left) and Prof. Che Connon, with a 3D-printed cornea

There's a limited supply of donor human corneas, meaning that not everyone who needs an eyesight-saving transplant can get one. As a result, biosynthetic corneas have recently been developed. These could become quicker and easier to produce, as scientists have now successfully 3D-printed the things.

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Category: Medical

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from New Atlas

We "Tow Like a Pro" in Southern Utah with GMC

Yes, towing the ATVs with a truck was an excuse to use said ATVs in the ...

If you look through the gallery in this article, you'll likely get the impression that we used towing with pickup trucks as an excuse to spend a day on the sand dunes in ATVs and touring Zion Park. You'd be 99 percent correct in that assumption. It turns out though, even for experts, towing is more than it appears.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

VanMoof enhances theft protection for Electrified bikes

VanMoof has introduced new anti-theft security measures in the upcoming Electrified S2 and X2 e-bikes

It's been a couple of since Dutch high-end bicycle maker VanMoof launched its Electrified S e-bike, and 12 months since the visually arresting Electrified X made its debut in Tokyo. Though both had anti-theft technology built in, the company has now made the latest models even harder to steal.

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Category: Bicycles

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from New Atlas

The V35 ThinQ is LG's new super-flagship phone, based on the G7

The LG V35 ThinQ is aimed primarily at the US market

As in previous years, LG has followed up its big flagship launch of the year with a second phone that adds some small upgrades – and so we have the LG V35 ThinQ as an immediate successor to the LG G7 ThinQ, offering a few tweaks to a very similar handset.

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Category: Mobile Technology

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from New Atlas

Magnax prepares to manufacture radically high-powered, compact axial flux electric motor

The Magnax yokeless axial-flux electric motor offers incredible power densities in what the manufacturer describes as ...

After nearly a decade in development, Belgian startup Magnax claims it has developed an ultra-high power, lightweight, compact axial flux electric motor with performance figures that blow away everything in the conventional radial flux world. Crucially, it says it's worked out how to manufacture them too.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Expansive green-roofed home opens up to the Brazilian countryside

Planar House is defined by its massive concrete roof, which is covered in greenery

This enviable luxury residence in Porto Feliz, São Paulo, Brazil, was designed by Studio MK27's Marcio Kogan, with Lair Reis. It opens up to the outside with operable glazing and is topped by a concrete roof that's covered in greenery and designed to blend in with its landscaped garden.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

HP's Mindframe headset keeps gamers cool in the heat of battle

The Omen by HP Mindframe headset with active earcup cooling was revealed at the HP Gaming ...

Hewlett-Packard today announced a smaller and faster gaming laptop, and a bunch of gaming accessories. Chief among the latter is a pair of gaming headphones that feature active earcup cooling technology.

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Category: Games

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from New Atlas

Astronomers capture exquisite view of Tarantula Nebula

Mosaic view of the Tarantula Nebula and its surroundings

Astronomers have captured the most detailed view to date of the region of space surrounding the famous Tarantula Nebula – a 1,000 light-year wide swirling cloud of cosmic gas, the core of which is illuminated by some of the brightest and most massive stars ever detected. The environment surrounding the Tarantula Nebula can be seen in glorious detail, dotted with smaller stellar nurseries, teeming star clusters, and supernova remnants.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

High-altitude, autonomous, solar-powered aircraft flexes wings to ace flight tests

The ApusDuo is an autonomous, solar-powered aircraft designed to soar at the edges of space for ...

Nestled in between satellites and drones are autonomous aerial vehicles known as High Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS), which can soar at the edges of space for long periods of time, acting as telecommunications relays or environmental monitors. Now, UAVOS has conducted test flights of its ApusDuo prototype, an autonomous, solar-powered aircraft with flexible wings that bend and bounce to keep it aloft.

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Category: Aircraft

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from New Atlas

Virgin Galactic's spaceplane hits new heights in second powered flight

Virgin Galactic's spaceplane in action

Virgin Galactic has shown the first firing of its spaceplane's chemical rocket engine was no fluke, following last month's effort with another successful outing In California. The latest test flight takes the tourist-carrying space vehicle a little closer to space, literally and figuratively, with engineers now poring over data with an eye to the next round of testing.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

Italian Volt presents electric flat tracker at Monza Reunion

Italian Volt's Reunion is a one-off special created for the man that owns the Monza Reunion ...

A year on from the debut of its Lacama electric motorcycle prototype, Milan-based bespoke electric motorcycle manufacturer Italian Volt has released this nifty-looking special edition called The Reunion, which is built on the same platform.

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Category: Motorcycles

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from New Atlas

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Indian startup develops an electric sportbike with 500-km range

Mankame promises a big leap forward in range figures with the EP-1 electric sportbike

Most electric motorcycles in the market can barely do more than 150 miles on a full charge, usually going much less in reality. Mankame Automotive, on the other hand, suggests a 155 mph sportbike that, on paper, can exceed 300 miles, sporting high-end running gear and a very sensible price tag.

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Category: Motorcycles

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from New Atlas

Blackcurrants could be a green source of hair dye

Blackcurrant skins contain pigments called anthocyanins

Traditional synthetic hair dyes can be quite toxic, not only to our bodies, but also to the environment. As a result, scientists are developing non-toxic dyes based on substances such as graphene. Now, it appears that waste blackcurrant skins can also do the job.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Tesla Model S restyle broadens station wagon appeal

The striking RemetzCar Model S shooting brake was commissioned by shooting brake and electric car enthusiast ...

Late last year, UK firm Qwest Norfolk completed a stylish rework of the back end of a Tesla Model S P90D to transform the electric car into a shooting brake – in order to accommodate a canine companion called Ted. Now Dutch firm RemetzCar has also attacked the rear of a Model S for the first of 20 electric shooting brakes.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

London buskers swap spare change for contactless payment

London buskers can now accept contactless payments thanks to a partnership between iZettle and Busk in ...

Many major towns and cities have busking musicians belting out some tunes so that the gracious public can show their appreciation by throwing loose change into an open guitar case or weather-worn hat. London is no exception, but thanks to a new project launched by iZettle and Busk in London, folks will now be able to tap-to-pay using credit cards.

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Category: Music

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from New Atlas

Whimsical tiny house features distinctive Tudor styling

The unusual design of the Tudor-style tiny house came about because the owner wanted it to ...

Whether they feature a climbing wall exterior or transforming furniture, Tiny Heirloom's custom-designed luxury tiny houses are always worthy of attention. This recently-completed model is no exception and sports an unusual Tudor-like design unlike anything we've seen before on a towable home.

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Category: Tiny Houses

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