Friday 31 July 2015

Moto X Style (Pure Edition) vs. Samsung Galaxy S6

Gizmag compares the features and specs of the Moto X Style (aka Pure Edition, left) and Samsung Galaxy S6

Motorola's smartphones aren't nearly as popular as Samsung's, but for the last three years, the company has been delivering high-quality Moto X flagships that are among your best choices. Let's compare the new Moto X Style (Pure Edition in the U.S.) and Samsung Galaxy S6.

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Section: Mobile Technology

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

F-35B Lightning II declared operational

Two F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters complete vertical landings aboard the USS Wasp (LHD-1) during the opening day of the first session of operational testing

The US Marine Corps has declared the F-35B Lightning II operational. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121, based in Yuma, Arizona, which has ten of VSTOL multi-role fighters, was today officially cleared for worldwide deployment after a five-day Operational Readiness Inspection.

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Section: Military

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Low-cost prosthetic knee could let the impoverished walk normally

A diagram showing the prosthetic knee's range of motion

Some higher-end prosthetic legs are equipped with things like gyroscopes and accelerometers, in order to guide their knee joint through a more natural bending motion. In developing nations, however, such expensive prostheses usually aren't an option. That's why a scientist from MIT is developing a knee that could allow inexpensive legs to perform like the fancy ones.

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Section: Health and Wellbeing

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Spitzer Space Telescope confirms nearest rocky planet

Artist's concept of HD 219134b

The Earth's cosmic neighborhood got a bit more crowded as NASA announced that its Spitzer Space Telescope has confirmed the presence of the closest rocky planet to the Solar System. Orbiting a visible main-sequence star 21 light years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia, HD 219134b is larger than Earth and is uninhabitable.

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Section: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Powerful aurora discovered on brown dwarf may help characterize distant exoplanets

Artist's impression of LSRJ 1835+3259

The discovery of a powerful aurora surrounding a distant failed star may in future aid astronomers in their hunt for habitable planets. The aurora is the first to be discovered around a brown dwarf, known as LSRJ 1835+3259 (LSRJ). It's a type of star that shares many characteristics with known exoplanets, and the technique used to observe the phenomenon could one day be a factor in determining whether a planet could sustain life.

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Section: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Traffic light-timing app is coming to a BMW near you

The EnLighten app allows BMW drivers – or anyone else – to know how long green or red lights will last

As of this week, drivers of BMWs may be a little less frustrated by traffic lights. No, they don't now have the power to change red lights to green, but they can at least find out how long it'll be before lights change color. This feature comes courtesy of a partnership with Orgeon-based startup Connected Signals, which makes an existing app known as EnLighten.

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Section: Automotive

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

OnePlus 2 vs. OnePlus One

Gizmag compares the features and specs of the 2015 flagship OnePlus 2 (left) and the 2014 version, the OnePlus One

Like its predecessor, the OnePlus 2 offers compelling specs and features at a very reasonable price point ... that is, if you can get your hands on one. Read on as Gizmag compares these two wallet-friendly devices.

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Section: Mobile Technology

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Insect-inspired amphibious robot jumps like a water strider

Scientists at Seoul National University examine their robot's extreme form of locomotion

Despite what our science fiction-fueled imaginations love to be entertained with, there is more to the field of modern robotics than colossal combat machines or bionic baristas. Some projects may seem mundane by comparison, yet the results are no less impressive, especially the ones that enlighten through the process. Although it took a few trial and error attempts, scientists have finally created an insect-inspired robot that can jump off of water's surface.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Cornell researchers create useful kirigami using graphene

After building the kirigami designs out of paper, the researchers moved on to work with one atom thick graphene

Physicists at Cornell University have worked to shrink the art of kirigami down to the nanoscale, working with graphene, a material that's just one atom thick. The research could lead to the creation of some of the tiniest machines mankind has ever seen.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New brain grip study could lead to better mind-controlled prostheses

A study of the ways in which monkeys grasp objects may lead to advances in prostheses for humans

A new study conducted by Brown University researchers has furthered our understanding of how the brain formulates a plan for picking up an object. In the long run, the findings could pave the way for more accomplished mind-controlled robotic prostheses.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Smog Free Tower: clean air, and air that you wear

The Smog Free Tower is a planned 7 x 3.5 m (23 x 11.5 ft) structure that draws in dirty air and purifies it before expelling it back into the environment

Smog affects many major cities around the world and can cause health problems for those breathing it in. To combat this, Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde is building what he calls the world's largest air purifier. The Smog Free Tower is designed to allow people to breathe clean air in a city ... plus it also turns the smog into jewelry.

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Section: Environment

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

RE:Build uses sand and gravel to make a better shelter

Re:Build can be used to build a wide variety of buildings

Created to ease the plight of displaced refugees, Re:Build is a basic scaffold-based construction system that can be used to build a home, school, clinic, or whatever else is required. It makes use of readily-available onsite materials like sand, gravel, and earth, and enables the refugees themselves to construct the structures.

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Section: Architecture

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

The Crash Sack sleeping (and waking) bag

he Crash Sack is available in three sizes and is rated down to 45º F

It's early, you're tired, the camp fire is cold, and dragging yourself out of your sleeping bag isn't an attractive proposition. The Evrgrn Crash Sack can be worn as a cozy puffer jacket ... so you don't have to.

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Section: Outdoors

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Victory introduces its first road-legal electric motorcycle, the Empulse TT

The Victory Empulse TT is designed for both sporty riding and casual commuting

Victory Motorcycles has turned a new page by unveiling its first fully electric motorcycle. The 2016 Empulse TT is a road-legal electric streetbike based on Brammo's Empulse R. The company's entry into the electric market follows its successful participation at the 2015 Isle of Man TT Zero race, where its Empulse-powered racebike emerged as the fastest US electric motorcycle.

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Section: Motorcycles

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Apple Campus 2 to feature visitor's center

Apple's new HQ will feature a visitor's center with viewing platform open to the general public

Compared to Google's open and accessible Mountain View headquarters design, Apple's planned Campus 2 seems a relatively private affair. However, new architectural plans reveal that the tech giant's new HQ will feature a visitor's center with viewing platform open to the general public.

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Section: Architecture

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Nokia brings its ball to the burgeoning virtual reality party

Nokia hopes to ship Ozo in the fourth quarter of 2005

Over the past year, we've seen an explosion in the number of virtual reality (VR) headsets looking to stake a claim for our eyeballs. But for any of these to succeed, there needs to be VR content to immerse ourselves in. Nokia is hoping to fill this burgeoning need with Ozo, the world's first commercially available VR camera aimed at content creation professionals.

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Section: Digital Cameras

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Earth's magnetic field may be more than 750 million years older than previously thought

New findings suggest that the Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from harmful solar winds, may be over 4.2 billion years old

The Earth's magnetic field is crucial to life on the planet. It keeps out harmful solar winds, which would strip away our atmosphere and surface water and bombard us with radiation if left unchecked. A new analysis of zircon minerals suggests that the field originated at least 4.2 billion years ago – a hop after the planet formed in the geological timeline, and much earlier than previously thought.

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Section: Science

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Thursday 30 July 2015

Facebook takes aim at expanding internet access using laser-equipped drones

Facebook has finished building the first full-size version of Aquila, its internet-beaming drone

In its quest to connect all corners of the globe – and get even more people signing onto the social networking juggernaut – Facebook has completed the first full-scale model of its internet-broadcasting drone. Dubbed Aquila, the solar-powered aircraft is made to fly for months at a time and has a wingspan equal to that of a Boeing 737, yet weighs less than a car.

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Section: Telecommunications

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Non-invasive spinal cord stimulation gets paralyzed legs moving voluntarily again

Five paralyzed men treated with a non-invasive form of spinal stimulation gained significant voluntary movement of their legs

Five men with complete motor paralysis have regained the ability to move their legs voluntarily and produce step-like movements after being treated with a non-invasive form of spinal cord stimulation. The new treatment builds on prior work to generate voluntary movements in paralyzed people through electrical stimulation – in particular, two studies (one completed in 2011, the other in 2014) that involved surgically implanting an electrode array on the spinal cord. This time, however, the researchers found success without performing any invasive surgery.

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Section: Medical

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Review: A critical look at DJI's Phantom 3 Professional

DJI's Phantom 3 Professional - a huge upgrade from the Phantom 2 Vision+

China’s DJI made a gutsy move with the release of the Phantom 3. The Phantom 2 Vision+ was still clearly the best all-in-one prosumer camera drone on the market, so the Phantom 3 could easily have been an incremental upgrade. Instead, it's a total overhaul, and an amazing piece of aerial camera gear that equals gear that costs twice as much (like DJI's own Inspire One) in many areas. But is it perfect? No - and not by a long way. There's some pretty clear areas for improvement, even if the Phantom 3 Professional is still miles ahead of the competition.

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Section: Aircraft

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New map reveals a third of the stars in the Milky Way have dramatically changed orbit

Two pairs of stars (red and blue), which started in the same orbit, have moved (red), or are moving (blue), into new orbits

It's easy to think of stars as being fixed in place, because that's how we see them in the sky. But like Earth and the other planets, they have orbits. And it turns out those orbits can change dramatically. In creating a new map of the Milky Way as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), scientists recently discovered that around 30 percent of the stars in our galaxy have done exactly that – they've moved into a totally new orbit.

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Section: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Covair swaps watch faces and straps in no time

Covair's watch design allows users to mix and match watch components

For those that like to mix and match their jewelry to match their outfits, Covair is looking to make what it calls classic timepieces with interchangeable components. This means you can swap the face or strap out for another whenever and wherever style dictates or the mood strikes you.

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Section: Wearable Electronics

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Moto X Style (Pure Edition) vs. iPhone 6 Plus

Gizmag compares the features and specs of the new Moto X Style (Pure Edition) and the iPhone 6 Plus

Motorola's flagship phone has gotten bigger every year – to the point where this year's Moto X Style (or "Pure Edition" in the U.S.) is more a rival to the iPhone 6 Plus than to the smaller iPhone 6. Let's break down how the two phablets compare.

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Section: Mobile Technology

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

New compounds block absorption of fat in foods

Micelle sequestrant polymers cause fat particles to pass right through the digestive system

For people with a serious obesity problem, dieting and exercising may not be enough on their own. Taking a pill that replicates the effects of exercise may be one solution, but scientists from the University of Kansas are developing what could be another – compounds that keep the fat in foods from being absorbed by the body.

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Section: Health and Wellbeing

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Lockheed tests Orion fairing design changes

A protective panel for Orion’s service module is jettisoned during testing at Lockheed Martin’s Sunnyvale, California facility

Lockheed Martin announced that it's completed tests of design changes for NASA's Orion spacecraft’s fairing separation system. Based on information from Orion's unmanned maiden flight on December 5 last year, the alterations are meant to improve performance while reducing weight.

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Section: Space

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine