Saturday 1 August 2015

Imaging tool lets scientists look inside brain at nanoscale resolution

The universe-like depth and complexity of the human brain can now be studied in excruciating detail thanks to a new imaging technology

The human brain contains more synapses than there are galaxies in the observable universe (to put a number on it, there are perhaps 100 trillion synapses versus 100 billion galaxies), and now scientists can see them all – individually. A new imaging tool promises to open the door to all sorts of new insights about the brain and how it works. The tool can generate images at a nanoscale resolution, which is small enough to see all cellular objects and many of their sub-cellular components (so for the biology-literate, that's stuff like neurons and the synapses that permit them to fire, plus axons, dendrites, glia, mitochondria, blood vessel cells, and so on).

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from Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

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