Tuesday 31 January 2017

Nautical Phantom ends an era for Rolls-Royce

The last Rolls-Royce Phantom VII to roll off the production line

There are plenty of luxurious cars out there, but there is only one Rolls-Royce Phantom. The current Phantom VII kicked off BMW ownership for Rolls-Royce thirteen years ago and, although there's something timeless about luxury cars like the Phantom, is well overdue for a replacement. As the marque prepares to launch a new flagship, the final Phantom VII has rolled off the production line in Goodwood, looking just as imperious as you'd expect

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kQ02gI

Prototypes hit the track in Hyperloop Pod Competition

The results are in for SpaceX's Hyperloop Pod Competition, which took place this past weekend - ...

SpaceX may not be developing the Hyperloop technology itself, but the company is playing a key role in getting the high-speed transportation system up and running. Over the past year, teams of engineers from universities around the world have been designing and building their visions of the pods that would carry passengers and cargo at high speeds, and this past weekend, they were finally put to the test on a track near SpaceX's Californian headquarters.

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Category: Urban Transport

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kTvnex

Are human-pig chimeras the solution to the organ donation crisis?

Scientists at the Salk Institute have successfully created a human-pig chimera for the first time

The ongoing organ shortage crisis has fueled a lucrative black market that generates over US$1 billion in profits every year. 3D-printed organs, despite their promise, remain a lab experiment for now, and while scientists have been cultivating cells in Petri dishes, they have yet to figure out how to replicate nature's cocktail of life-giving signals. Enter a new medical breakthrough that could one day solve this problem by incubating human organs in pigs – but should we let animals pick up the slack for us in the first place?

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jUmjbO

What is Net Neutrality and is it important?

Should all internet traffic be treated equally by service providers?

Net neutrality has been a hot-button issue for several years now, but what exactly does it mean? Should governments be stepping in and regulating this new digital space, or do we let the free market take care of it? Here is our primer on the topic presenting the arguments for and against this contentious issue.

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Category: Computers

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kP0vg7

BMW 5 Series Touring cuts through the madding SUV crowd

The new BMW 5 Series Touring will make its debut at the Geneva Motor Show

Four-wheel drives might be taking over the roads, but old-fashioned station wagons are still getting some love in Europe. Volvo, king of the wagons, launched the V90 last year, and Mercedes has kept the ball rolling with the slinky E-Class Estate. Never one to be left out, BMW has whipped the covers off the G30 5 Series Touring, which has been treated to the same tech-onslaught as the sedan, but has room for the family, pets and all their baggage.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jU0oRS

Astronauts' brains change shape as they learn to move in space

A new study has found that space travel changes the volume of gray matter in the ...

Before we start sending humans to Mars en masse, it's probably a good idea to investigate the health effects that long-duration spaceflight can have on the human body. A new study has found that space travel can change the volume of gray matter in different parts of the brain, which may be a result of fluids shifting due to a lack of gravity, and the brain working overtime to relearn the basics of movement in a strange new environment.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2keOUqE

Online supermarket gets to grips with pick and pack robots

The RBO Softhand 2 is designed not to ruin fresh fruit and vegetables

On the face of it, robots should be good at picking and packing online supermarket orders – it's repetitive work, and very little decision making is required for most items. Unfortunately, most robotic manipulators can't be trusted with odd-shaped, easily bruised fruit and vegetables. To address this problem, online supermarket Ocado has been putting new soft manipulation robots to the test in its European warehouses.

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Category: Robotics

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jT8aLY

This $90 wristband zapped away our VR nausea

New Atlas tests a wearable that claims to reduce or cure nausea and motion sickness, pitting ...

Before we'd tried much virtual reality, we imagined most VR experiences would involve physically sitting while virtually moving. Unfortunately, though, those kinds of games can trigger nausea for many (if not most) people. We recently tried a wearable that claims to reduce VR sickness by sending little electrical pulses into your wrist. After getting shocked by the Reliefband, we were a little shocked to find that it worked.

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Category: VR

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jSIYFq

Compact breathalyzer detects the flu

Prof. Perena Gouma with her prototype flu detector

The sooner that you know you've got the flu, the sooner you can stop spreading it and start treating it. That's the thinking behind a new device designed by Prof. Perena Gouma, from the University of Texas at Arlington. Her hand-held breath monitor can detect if the user has the flu, based on a single exhale.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jSAqyc

Tailored treatment? 107 genes found linked to high blood pressure

Identifying the genetic markers for hypertension early could allow patients to keep the pressure low as ...

In the US and the UK, high blood pressure affects approximately one in every three adults and is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Efforts to combat the condition through customized treatments might have just gotten a big boost thanks to a study led by Imperial College London and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) that teased out over 100 genes implicated in its development.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jSvhGe

Cassini finds straw and propellers in stunning new ring imagery

Cassini image of Saturn's A ring featuring a density wave (to the left) and the more ...

NASA has released some of the highest resolution images ever obtained of Saturn's A & B rings. The images, which were taken as Cassini made a close-proximity dive past Saturn's rings, display the icy matter of the gas giant's adornment manipulated by the gravity its moons.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kozWAq

The best Microsoft Surface Book alternatives

New Atlas tallies up the best stand-ins for the Microsoft Surface Book

The Microsoft Surface Book is unquestionably one of the best convertible laptop/tablets available now. But if you shy away from its high price or another one of its distinguishing features, here are some promising potentials.

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Category: Laptops

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kdTG7V

Sub-six-pound kayak brings Tinkertoys to mind

The Justin Case kayak, ready to hit the water

Touring kayaks may offer a fantastic means of exploring your local waterways, although owners generally require things like a roof rack on their car, a large storage area, and a willingness to lug the boat around when on land – the things also aren't cheap. That's why Canadian outdoors enthusiast Inna Morgan invented the Justin Case kayak. It weighs only 5.7 lb (2.6 kg), and packs down into a shoulder bag when not in use.

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Category: Outdoors

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jSoiuD

Oily alchemy: Turning soybeans into graphene

Researchers at the CSIRO claim to have developed a way to make graphene quickly and cheaply ...

Graphene, a thin film of crystalline carbon generally just one atom thick, is being slated as the new wonder material and shows high promise for application in a range of diverse technologies, including energy storage, water purification systems, ultrasensitive detectors, and medical devices. But it has always had a catch: It is expensive to produce. Now researchers at the CSIRO in Australia have developed a method to produce graphene quickly and cheaply from the humble soy bean, and without the need for exotic gases or complex production techniques.

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Category: Materials

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jSjxna

Cardboard camera develops jolly look of vintage photography

Made of recycled paper and cardboard, the Jollylook instant camera closely mimics the appearance and (simplified) ...

Digital cameras seem to have matured to the point where what once was old is now new again. Companies such as Olympus, Leica and Fujifilm have brought fresh perspectives with retro body designs and/or the use of instant film. But the latest camera, currently funding on Kickstarter, focuses further into the classic photo-taking experience. The cardboard-made Jollylook is designed to develop instant prints from analog hardware.

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Category: Digital Cameras

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kOLZZ3

AI cleans up against human poker players in landmark victory

Libratus went head to head with poker professionals over 120,000 hands

AI has claimed some sizable scalps in recent years, with IBM's Watson toppling humans at Jeopardy and Google's AlphaGo program taking down a professional Go player last year. And researchers are hailing its latest triumph as yet another landmark moment for computer science, with Carnegie Mellon University's Libratus program cleaning up at a 20-day poker tournament against professional human counterparts.

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Category: Computers

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jrMUhF

A majorly better way of growing microalgae?

Microalgae being grown in tubes, in a traditional liquid growth medium

Among other things, microalgae is a potentially valuable source of biofuel. Unfortunately, however, growing it on a large scale can be a rather fussy process, making it less likely to be adopted commercially. Syracuse University Ph.D. candidate Bendy Estime has set out to change that, by developing a new growth medium that makes cultivation and harvesting easier.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kOuCr5

HTC U Ultra vs. LG V20

Gizmag compares the features and specs of the HTC U Ultra (left) and LG V20

We're used to seeing smartphone-makers copying the iPhone, but what isn't as common is seeing a new phone that's almost a direct copy of a slower-selling second-tier flagship. That may be the case with the HTC U Ultra and its apparent muse, the LG V20. Let's compare their features and specs.

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Category: Mobile Technology

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jRmPHa

The best iPhone 7 alternatives

Suggestions for smartphones to stand in for an iPhone 7

Not interested in being an iPhone 7 owner? Here are some alternatives. These are all premium smartphones with great cameras, bloat-free operating systems, and a satisfying user experience.

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Category: Mobile Technology

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kd7dfY

Lexar doubles down with a 512 GB CFast card

The new 3500x CFast 2.0 will become available in the first quarter of 2017

Media professionals dealing with data-heavy formats such as RAW and 4K will soon have a new option for their toolkits, with Lexar announcing a new 512 GB CFast memory card.

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Category: Digital Cameras

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2knrbqe

Dynamic duo could quickly identify deadly bacteria in hospitals

Researchers at IPC PAS have developed a technique that uses bioconjugates – a combination of microparticles ...

When a patient is diagnosed with a bacterial infection, medical staff need to identify the species attacking the body before it can be treated. The problem is, this process can take a few days and may require highly-specialized equipment that's not available in many hospitals. Now, microparticles and biomolecules are teaming up to form a new dynamic duo, which could help speed up and simplify the process.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jQjb0u

Solar-powered timber tower focuses on flexibility

Patch22 was completed last year for a budget of €6.4 million (roughly US$6.85 million)

Tall timber construction is on the rise, but if you're not yet convinced it's a good idea, then perhaps Patch22, designed by Frantzen et al architecten, may change your mind. Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, the wooden high rise ticks all the right boxes: inviting, sustainable and above all flexible, it allows residents to enjoy whatever layout they want – even to the point of putting their bathtubs on the balconies.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2kctRVL

Machine transforms cable twists and turns into atmospheric sounds

The volnovod twists headphone wire, digitally captures wave-like patterns that result and transforms the shapes into ...

Before the arrival of truly wireless earphones like Earin and Apple's AirPods, mobile music lovers will likely have been regularly troubled with tangle. It seems that no matter how carefully you stow away your buds, by the time you break them out to relieve travel tedium, the cables are a jumbled mess. Such trials have inspired Russian media artist Dmitry Morozov to create the volnovod, a machine that turns twisted cables into eerie sounds.

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Category: Music

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jydXDb

Eagle rounds out its special E-Type trilogy with the Spyder GT

The Spyder GT has a taller windscreen than the Eagle Speedster

Ever imagine what a great world it would be if the Jaguar E-Type had lived on past the 1970s, and not just in name, like other classic car models that have evolved into completely different animals, but in all its curvy, original-form glory? That's the world Eagle lives in, its series of restored, modernized and reimagined cars ensuring that the E-Type family remains small but thriving. This month, it launched its latest special edition, the Spyder GT, a convertible tourer with hardcore sporting on its mind.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2jQ909F

Monday 30 January 2017

Inexpensive new solar still ups water purification efficiency

A new type of solar still can produce twice as much fresh water per day as ...

In areas where clean water isn't easily accessible, solar stills can help purify available water that might be dirty or salty. These devices absorb heat from sunlight and use it to evaporate water, leaving behind contaminants and recollecting in a separate container, and although they work, they can be relatively expensive and inefficient. A team from University at Buffalo have developed a new type of solar still using carbon-coated paper, which it says is cheaper and more than twice as efficient as existing devices.

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Category: Good Thinking

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from New Atlas http://ift.tt/2klKU9O