Friday 30 June 2017

Tick spit could save hearts and lives

A cayenne tick, full of P991_AMBCA

Although ticks are generally thought of as being the spreaders of illness, they may actually be able to help save peoples' lives. According to a new study from the University of Oxford, proteins found in tick saliva could be used to treat a potentially fatal heart disease.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Prehistoric lizard wasn't what we thought

The fossilized Eusaurosphargis dalsassoi skeleton

Back in 2003, the fossilized remains of a prehistoric armored lizard known as Eusaurosphargis dalsassoi were discovered in Italy. The skeleton was disarticulated and incomplete, plus it was found with the remains of fish and marine reptiles, leading scientists to think that the lizard was aquatic. Now, however, thanks to a marvellously-complete skeleton found in the Alps of eastern Switzerland, that's no longer thought to be the case.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Snoozle alarm clock won't be silenced until you get out of bed

The Snoozle alarm clock is actually made up of two parts

The hardest part of any morning (apart from maybe getting out of the warm shower) is extracting yourself from those cosy sheets and blankets. A snooze button within arm's reach certainly doesn't make things any easier, so the folks behind Snoozle aim to get slow risers up and at 'em with an alarm clock that won't be silenced until you carry it across the room.

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Category: Around The Home

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from New Atlas

Fossilized teeth provide clues to evolution of whales

The fossilized teeth of Coronodon havensteini

If you're a fan of whales, then you probably already known that some of the largest ones feed mainly on tiny crustaceans known as krill. They do so by lunging forward and filling their mouths with water, then straining the krill out of that water as they expel it, using fibrous plates in their mouth called baleen. Now, scientists claim to have come a step closer to understanding how that baleen came to be.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Bringy smart ball tracks your dog's personal bests

When the ball is tossed, built-in sensors track the ball's motion through the air

Today's fitness junkies have all kinds of monitors to choose from, and who says dogs couldn't do with a little activity tracking themselves? Bringy is a connected ball with a sensor inside to track things like speed and distance, so you can keep tabs on their movements and make sure they're on a path to good health.

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Category: Pets

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from New Atlas

Zurich researchers start work on digitally fabricated DFAB House

Once complete, the DFAB House will be used to test smart home and IoT technologies

We've seen quite a few building projects recently that make use of robots or 3D printing tech, or both, but a bunch of professors from ETH Zurich are attempting to make the whole design and build process digital. Once constructed by robots, the three-storey DFAB House will be used to test smart home technologies.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Darwin's dilemma: Bizarre ancient animal identified through DNA

An artist's rendition of Macrauchenia patachonica, a bizarre mishmash creature that has just been classified through ...

What do you get when you cross an elephant, a llama, a camel, and a rhinoceros? If you have no idea, don't feel too bad – it puzzled Charles Darwin too, when he stumbled on the fossilized bones of just such a creature in 1834. Known as Macrauchenia patachonica, the enigmatic, extinct animal has evaded classification ever since, but a new DNA study has finally found where it fits on the family tree.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

World bike-building champ Freddie "Krugger" Bertrand takes on Ducati's XDiavel

The Thiverval is a custom build based on a Ducati XDiavel by Freddie 'Krugger' Bertrand, the ...

Ducati's XDiavel has proven to be a remarkably adaptable canvas for motorcycle customizers with the visual focus inevitably on the interplay between that massive 120 degree v-twin and the trellis frame it is wrapped in. Today at Bikers' Classics in Belgium, we'll see a completely different perspective on a custom Ducati XDiavel by Freddie "Krugger" Bertrand, twice world custom motorcycle champion.

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Category: Motorcycles

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from New Atlas

Russian team plans to unfurl the brightest "star" in the night sky

An artist's rendition of Mayak, a Russian CubeSat that may soon become one of the brightest ...

The night sky is dotted with familiar faces, easy to spot thanks to their brightness. The Moon is a no-brainer, but look a little closer and you might pick out Venus, Mars, the star Sirius or even the International Space Station whizzing by. But a new object could soon outshine them all (bar the Moon, of course): A Russian CubeSat fitted with solar reflectors, named "Mayak" is due for launch mid-July.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

Thursday 29 June 2017

Grunner e-bike mixes massive range with punchy performance

The Grunner e-bike has up to 2.2 kW of power

E-bikes offer a way for commuters to arrive at work sweat-free, but some boosted two-wheelers are starting to offer ranges that rival bikes of the fossil fuel-powered variety. One such example is the Grunner developed by Croatia-based Mobile Vehicle Technology and Absolute Design, which boasts 2.2 kW of power and 180 km (112 mi) of range.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

LG's flagship 77-inch "wallpaper" OLED TV lands in the US

LG's flagship 77-inch

It wasn't all that long ago that OLED TVs maxed out at 11 inches and cost around US$4,500. These days the screen sizes have grown considerably, but the prices are still up there. A case in point is LG's flagship 77-inch "Picture-on-Wall" OLED set that impressed at CES in January and is now available in the US.

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Category: Home Entertainment

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from New Atlas

Focusing in on the world's sharpest laser

The silicon resonator responsible for producing the world's sharpest laser, with a linewidth of just 10 ...

Lasers are synonymous with precision, but generally speaking there's room for improvement. The "perfect" laser would emit light at one specific wavelength, but current technology can't achieve that yet, shining across the spectrum in a measure that scientists call "linewidth." Narrowing that linewidth down as far as possible is a focus for laser research, and now an international team has developed the world's sharpest laser, with a linewidth of just 10 mHz (0.01 Hz).

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Xiaomi brings laser projectors within reach of the masses

The Xiaomi Mi Projector outputs 5,000 lumens

Xiaomi has announced an affordable, short-throw laser projector designed to display cinema-quality images. The Chinese company is initially only releasing the projector in its home market from early July, but priced at less than US$1,500 it could prove to be a game-changing product if it garners a wider release.

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Category: Home Entertainment

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from New Atlas

Solar-powered Lightyear One EV promises 500-mile range

The Lightyear One in render form

The idea of a solar-powered car has been floated a number of times over the last few years, but past attempts have generally fallen into the basket of good ideas that just don't work in the real world. According to the Netherlands-based Lightyear, that's all set to change. The company says its first car, called the One, will be an electric four-wheel drive with a range of 800 km (497 mi) .

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Review: 2017 Mazda CX-9 cuts an impressive crossover figure

In a market full of not-too-shabby designs and attempts to sportify the unsporty, the 2017 CX-9 ...

The three-row family hauling arena isn't exactly the sexiest automotive category. It is, however, where bread is buttered and the midsize and full-sized crossover segments are where manufacturers bring some of their toughest competition to bear. In a market full of not too shabby designs and attempts to sportify the unsporty, the 2017 CX-9 stands out for its excellent styling, solid mixture of versatility for growing families, and excellent drive dynamics.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

So, about all that plastic in the ocean

Millions of metric tons of plastic enter the ocean each year

For thousands of years humans have existed on Earth, but it is only in the last 100 or so that plastics have entered our lives. These days you can barely go a minute without touching something made from some kind of synthetic polymer. But while we've been getting all swept up in the convenience that plastics bring us the trash has been piling up. Millions of metric tons of plastic enter the ocean every year, and no one really knows where it is and what damage it is causing. So ... what are we to do about it?

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Category: Environment

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from New Atlas

Could hackers tune into your brainwaves and steal your passwords?

Scientists say greater security is needed for EEG devices

While the widespread use of devices that monitor brainwaves might sound like a long way off, key figures like Elon Musk are investing big time and money in making them a reality. With one eye on this future, scientists have carried out a study to find out whether these things can be hacked and the brainwaves interpreted to decipher a password, with the findings suggesting that it is in fact entirely possible.

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Category: Computers

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from New Atlas

Facebook's Aquila drone nails second test flight

Facebook's Aquila drone in action

Facebook's plan to bring the entire world online using a solar-powered, internet-beaming aircraft has taken another step forward, with the company testing its Aquila drone for the second time. The successful take-off and landing marks progress for the technology company, as the first time Aquila took to the skies not everything went entirely to plan.

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Category: Telecommunications

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from New Atlas

Here's that glowing, telescoping bicycle sidecar you've been looking for

If buyers go for the internal lighting package, the SideBuddy will be hard to miss in ...

Although we may not encounter them very often, bicycle sidecars do already exist. So, what makes the SideBuddy different? Well, the Swedish-designed device telescopes to different lengths, it has sliding doors, and it can be quickly taken off and converted to a shopping cart, stroller or trailer. Oh yes, and it also lights up at night.

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Category: Bicycles

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from New Atlas

Smartoo provides a perch for travellers' laptops

The Smartoo in its intended environment

You can get a lot of computer work done, stuck in an airport lounge for several hours between flights. Doing so can be awkward and uncomfortable, however, if your laptop is sitting on your knees or perched precariously on top of your suitcase. That's why the Smartoo was created. It attaches to your suitcase's telescoping handle, turning it into a computer stand.

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Category: Good Thinking

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from New Atlas

Two arms are better than one for disaster relief robot

The construction prototype can be operated remotely, with an integrated drone providing the operator with a ...

Japanese researchers have built on last year's disaster relief excavator to create a remotely-operated construction prototype with two arms that can rotate 360 degrees around its central pod, giving it multitasking capabilities. The team has also developed a four-fingered "hand" that should help the robot get to grips with heavy duty construction work.

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Category: Robotics

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from New Atlas

Former industrial silo turned into high-rise apartment building

The Silo was completed in May, 2017

Though you may not guess at first glance, this building was once used to store massive amounts of grain. Following a refurbishment by COBE Architects, it has now been turned into a new high-rise apartment building. The firm maintained the original look inside, but transformed the exterior with a galvanized steel facade.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

IK gives its iRig Pro interface a performance boost

The iRig Pro I/O from IK Multimedia comes bundled with full versions of music creation software, ...

IK Multimedia has updated its all-in-one audio and MIDI interface from 2013, giving the iRig Pro I/O volume control for headphone monitoring, MIDI thru for flexible routing options and the ability to charge connected devices.

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Category: Music

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from New Atlas

Getting out of Auto: Understanding the focusing modes on your camera

We look at manual, single and continuous focusing modes

Do you sometimes wonder why your photos have turned out blurry or out of focus? It could be that you are using the wrong aperture or shutter speed, or it could be your choice of focusing mode. Here we look at the main focusing modes you're likely to find on your camera, and when to use each one to get the best results and more images which are correctly-focused.

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Category: Digital Cameras

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from New Atlas

Aston Martin upgrades the 820 hp Vulcan with an AMR PRO package

The Aston Martin Vulcan with AMR PRO upgrade fitted

At the Goodwood Festival of Speed in 2015, Aston Martin demonstrated the new track-only 820 hp Aston Martin Vulcan V12 and wowed everyone with the performance. Later today we'll see another even more radical version of the Vulcan on track at the 2017 Goodwood Festival of Speed. The aerodynamic performance upgrade package adds 27 percent more downforce and significantly improve the aerodynamic balance of the car.

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Category: Automotive

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