Friday 29 December 2017

A smartphone that's fit for a kid

myFirst Fone should sell for $159

Small children aren't exactly known for being careful with their belongings, so expecting them not to lose or drop a conventional smartphone may be asking a bit much. That's where myFirst Fone comes in – it's a compact 3G smartphone that's worn like a watch.

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Category: Mobile Technology

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from New Atlas

Exercise may make mild cognitive impairment even milder

A total of 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week is recommended

We recently heard about a study which indicated that exercise improves people's memory. Now, a new set of guidelines published by the American Academy of Neurology suggests that bi-weekly exercise sessions may also help lessen the effects of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from New Atlas

3D-printed bus shelter goes into service

The WinSun shelter was 3D-printed at the company's factory and shipped to its currently location in ...

3D printing has been slowly finding a foothold in architecture over the last few years, with an office going up in Dubai, a tiny house printed in Russia and a cheap shelter layered from clay and straw by WASP's Big Delta printer. Now WinSun Construction has revealed the world's first 3D-printed bus shelter.

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Category: 3D Printing

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from New Atlas

Stylish turntable designed to make you pause for a listen

The Logigram turntable by Defoss is designed to encourage music lovers to take some time out ...

Nielsen Music's most recent report shows that, though streaming continues to be the music consumption king of the castle, vinyl sales are on the rise – with some 9.35 million albums flying off the shelves during the first three quarters of the year. And with this resurgence in the format comes more and more manufacturers trying to persuade music lovers to once again make space in the living room for a turntable. New player Defoss has mixed an Italian flair for beautiful design with 3D-printing and vibration-nixing elements to create an eye-catching analog turntable called the Logigram.

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Category: Home Entertainment

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from New Atlas

Cougar allows gamers to tweak settings on the mouse itself

Key settings on Cougar's Surpassion gaming mouse can be adjusted using dedicated buttons and a small ...

To get the best from a gaming mouse, some peripherals require users to spend time before each session adjusting parameters in software running on the gaming rig. Cougar has installed a small LCD display on its Surpassion mouse that allows gamers to adjust key settings on the mouse itself.

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Category: Computers

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from New Atlas

Thursday 28 December 2017

Vins' carbon-forked, two-stroke Duecinquanta sportsbike is the new definition of lightweight

The Vins Duecinquanta ushers in a new generation of ultra-lightweight two-stroke street sportsbikes

Italian manufacturer Vins is having an honest-to-god crack at getting a two-stroke 250cc roadbike back on the market, using a carbon frame and forks and some pretty wacky design to keep the weight down to a ridiculous 95 kg (209 lb). Oh, and there's a race version that's 10 percent lighter again.

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Category: Motorcycles

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from New Atlas

The most read New Atlas stories of 2017

A piece on a 3D metal printing system that's much faster, safer and cheaper than existing ...

Here at New Atlas we cover a wide variety of topics, so it's always interesting to arrive at the end of another year and see what most struck a chord with readers over the past 12 months. This year our top science and technology news stories ranged from ancient death traps and otherworldly weapons to anti-aging breakthroughs and mega-aircraft. Read on to see what captured the imagination of you, our readers, in 2017.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

The best future-focused sci-fi film and TV coming in 2018

Coming to Netflix in February, the cyberpunk sci-fi Altered Carbon is reportedly one of the most ...

Sci-fi is now the mainstream and consequently we're seeing millions of dollars spent bringing stories to the screen that are gloriously weird and fantastically futurist. Here are our picks of what to look forward to in 2018 on both the big and small screens from big blockbuster sci-fi spectacle to compelling hard science speculations.

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Category: Reviews

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from New Atlas

Hybrid solid-state system harvests more hydrogen from water

(From left) Junyoung Kim, Professor Guntae Kim, and Ohhun Gwona are part of the team who ...

Clean and plentiful, hydrogen is a promising fuel source, but there's a few problems standing in the way of it becoming mainstream. South Korean scientists have now developed a new system for producing hydrogen from water, which that they say overcomes some of these issues and produces the gas more efficiently than other water electrolysis systems.

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Category: Energy

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from New Atlas

DNA vaccine promises permanent, universal protection against the flu

New research into DNA vaccines suggests a universal, one-dose flu vaccine could be developed

A universal, one-dose flu vaccine has long been a holy grail for medical researchers. With the World Health Organization estimating over half a million people die every year from influenza, and the social and economic costs being almost impossible to calculate, the impact of an effective flu vaccine cannot be underestimated. New research from the University of Washington School of Medicine could pave the way for a universal flu shot by developing a novel DNA vaccine that targets the genetic components of the virus.

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Category: Medical

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from New Atlas

Skin patch puts the burn on body fat

The lead scientists with a batch of the patches

There are already skin patches that help people quit smoking … could patches that help them lose weight be far behind? Well, thanks to research being conducted at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, the things already exist – for mice, at least.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from New Atlas

2017's best sustainable, innovative and interesting houses

New Atlas highlights the best houses of 2017

The use of green building standards, the proliferation of off-grid technology and advances in 3D-printing all make this an exciting time for residential architecture and this is reflected in the homes we've covered during the past 12 months. A floating off-grid luxury pad, a 3D-printed house, and a sustainable home that can be built in a few days all feature in our pick of the best houses of 2017.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Eddy current-powered bike lights are back, and built into the brakes

The Magnic Microlights tail light in action

It was a couple of years ago that New Atlas first tried out Magnic Light iC, a no-contact bike lighting system that doesn't involve batteries, tire-rubbing dynamos or wheel-mounted magnets. Now, inventor Dirk Strothmann is back with Magnic Microlights. Among other things, they have a more streamlined mounting system, plus they also serve as brake lights and turn indicators.

.. Continue Reading Eddy current-powered bike lights are back, and built into the brakes

Category: Bicycles

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from New Atlas

App uses Wi-Fi to save people who are lost in the woods

The system has already been tested in prototype form

If you're lost or injured in the wilderness, there's a good chance that there won't be cellular coverage where you are – that means you can't just phone for help. Your smartphone may still get you found, however, thanks to a new app designed at Spain's Universidad de Alicante.

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Category: Good Thinking

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from New Atlas

2017 has been a year of epic scientific discovery

This year, we learned that the tardigrade is one tough customer

2017 was a busy year for science. From the bottom of the world to the bottom of the sea, new discoveries popped up all over the place. Researchers got new tools, doctors got new medicines, and tables were laid with new foods. Meanwhile, the ultimate shut-ins got their first glimmer of freedom and we learned who really will inherit the Earth. So let's look back at the highlights of this year in science.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Stomp puts multiple guitar tones at a player's feet

Sim1's XT-1 guitar simulator offers real-time classic tones without the need for sampling and MIDI technologies

Emulating the tones of iconic guitars is not exactly new, we've seen a number of amps, instruments and apps giving players access to legendary sounds without having to swap guitars. Italy's Sim1 is aiming to stand out from the crowd by not only cramming classic tones into a stomp, but doing so without any sampling or MIDI help. The XT-1 has a dozen classic tone clones cooked in, and more available via a companion app.

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Category: Music

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from New Atlas

LG announces its own Google Home, the smart ThinQ Speaker

With CES happening at the start of January in Las Vegas, LG is getting its announcements in early, trailing a number of new speakers. The company's 2018 audio line-up is led by the ThinQ Speaker, a Google Home-esque smart speaker with Google Assistant on board.

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Category: Home Entertainment

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from New Atlas

Corporate alchemy: The spectacular rise of the new car charity auction

The charity new car auction marketplace is so new that almost all of the cars in ...

Good corporate citizenship is becoming an increasingly important factor in a world where 360 degree accountability is now mandatory, and a new practice by automotive manufacturers – the annual report. And this has become evident on the auction block where the additional value of milestone automotive models is being unlocked and retained for the benefit of charity, while significantly enhancing value to the donating company via advanced Public Relations.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Creatures great and small: New species discovered in 2017

New Atlas rounds up some of the new species discovered in 2017

While it might seem like we've got the animal kingdom pretty well cataloged, new species are constantly turning up in the deep oceans, thick jungles, or even dusty museum store rooms. Here's our favorite new additions to the Tree of Life in 2017, as well as a couple of "Lazarus" creatures that were believed extinct but rediscovered this year.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Zaha Hadid's hollowed-out Opus building to open next year

The Opus is a mixed-used development and is Zaha Hadid's first project for Dubai

Iraqi-born architect Zaha Hadid certainly made her mark in the Middle East before her death last year, and she'll continue carving out a presence for a long time yet. Hadid's first ever project in Dubai, the hollowed out Opus tower, is set to open its doors next year, with the late starchitect's fingerprints to be found on the inside as well as the out.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Wednesday 27 December 2017

The oddest inventions of 2017

We look at some of the more

Inventing often involves thinking outside the box, so it's hardly surprising that many creations that break from the traditional mold can be considered odd or wacky – initially, at least. Whether any of the following are likely to follow in the footsteps of once-derided products like the bendy straw and change the world remains to be seen, but to borrow a phrase from another oddball invention, for most of the following devices it's probably "outlook not so good."

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Category: Good Thinking

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from New Atlas

Record-breaking hybrid drone stays aloft for over four hours

The HYBRiX.20 fuel-electric quadcopter in action

Drone technology is getting better all the time, and one area folks are putting a lot of energy into is boosting the amount of time the things can hang in the air. Drone manufacturer Quaternium is claiming a new milestone in this area, after flying its HYBRiX.20 fuel-electric quadcopter for four hours and forty minutes in it describes as a world record flight for a self-powered multicopter.

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Category: Drones

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from New Atlas

Giant skulls and 3D-printed death masks: Art meets technology in the NGV Triennial

Ron Mueck's huge installation features 100 giant skulls strewn around the gallery's classic art collection

Melbourne's inaugural Triennial exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) is an exuberant and exhilarating display of contemporary art featuring pieces from over 100 artists and designers from 32 countries. One of the prevailing features of this extraordinarily immersive spectacle is how deeply technology is infiltrating the world of art, from gorgeous 3D-printed death masks to an overwhelming room-scale installation that incorporates projections with movement sensors.

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Category: Materials

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from New Atlas

FCC certifies first "power-at-a-distance" wireless charging tech

Energous' WattUp Mid Field transmitter, which can wirelessly charge devices from up to 3 ft (0.9 ...

Before it can be truly useful, wireless charging technology needs to move beyond devices sitting on pads to where it can transmit power across a room. Energous is developing technology that can do just that, and now the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted approval for the WattUp Mid Field transmitter, which can charge devices from several feet away.

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Category: Electronics

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from New Atlas

More with less: Multipurpose loft maximizes small studio apartment

The clever loft is made up of precast concrete panels, with wood and glass spanning between ...

Donnie and Nicole Chiu-Wang loved the location of their San Francisco studio, but they desperately needed to make its 537 square feet feel more spacious. To do that, they turned their attention to the 13-foot ceiling. Having watched online videos of cleverly designed moving walls in small New York City apartments, they thought that there must be a way to use their space more efficiently too.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas