Monday, 23 January 2017

Waterjet-propelled hoverboards elevate Dubai firefighters

The water jet offers an unlimited source of firefighting water

Dubai's firefighters have flirted with the idea of firefighting jetpacks before - but now, with Project Dolphin, they're looking at a fleet of jet ski-based quick response units that can fight seaside fires from on top of a 30-foot high waterjet-propelled hoverboard.

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from New Atlas

1 comment:

  1. Hoverboards. "There are such a noteworthy number of out there I essentially don't know where to go." "How might I understand that it won't burst into flares?" "For what reason would I get one?" "What's the motivation behind a Buy Push Scooters doesn't that basically propel torpidity?" "What might it be a smart thought for me to ask for that when I go buy a hoverboard?"
