Wednesday 28 February 2018

"Axis of aging" mechanism uncovered in worms


C. elegans is a pretty unassuming worm, but its simplicity makes it a great model to study biological processes. It's been used to study longevity and so far remains the only creature whose brain has been completely mapped out. Combining those two fields, researchers at the University of Michigan have now uncovered how the worm's brain and gut communicate with each other to coordinate aging throughout the body.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Waymo's 360-degree self-driving video puts you in the passenger's seat

Waymo's vehicles use tools like LIDAR, radar and high-res cameras to form a picture of the ...

Waymo has covered some serious miles in testing its autonomous vehicles on public roads, five million (8 million km) of them, in fact. To go with the milestone, the self-driving Google spin-off has shared a 360-degree video that demonstrates how its vehicles see the world, while taking you along for the ride.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Stratolaunch, the world's largest plane, speeds down the runway for the first time

The giant Stratolaunch aircraft has now successfully completed two runway taxi tests reaching a top speed ...

Stratolaunch, the world's largest plane, is one step closer to reaching the skies after it recently completed a second taxi test that saw it hit a speed of 46 mph (74 km/h) as it stormed down a runway in Mojave, California.

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Category: Aircraft

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from New Atlas

Galactic evictions may have supplied the Milky Way's stellar halo

Graphic showing the locations of Tri-And and A13 as oscillations, or waves created by a nearby ...

According to a newly published paper, the distant halo of stars that orbits the Milky Way could include parts of our own galaxy that were forcefully ejected following a dramatic collision or close pass with a smaller dwarf galaxy.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

To know what critters are around, just ask a leech

A leech of the genus Haemadipsa

If you're wondering what types of mammals are present in a given area of wilderness, why not check for their DNA in animals that feed on their blood – leeches? That's what researchers from the American Museum of Natural History have done, with good results.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

13.6 billion-year-old radio signals date back to Cosmic Dawn

An artist's rendition of the very first stars to appear in the Universe, about 180 million ...

To look through space is to look through time, so getting a glimpse of the early days of the universe is a matter of peering deeper and deeper into space. Now, astronomers from MIT and Arizona State University have peered right back to the "Cosmic Dawn" – the time when the first stars were beginning to fire up – by picking up an extremely faint radio signal that marks the earliest evidence of hydrogen, just 180 million years after the Big Bang.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

Common skin bacteria found to produce skin-cancer killing molecule

This bacteria has been found to produce a compound that can protect against skin cancer

A large population of microorganisms live on our skin. Known as the skin microbiome, many of these organisms serve a vital protective function preventing psoriasis, acne and other diseases. A team at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has now uncovered a strain of bacteria found on human skin that can protect against cancer.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

GIRI reveals delicate fossils – by grinding them away

GIRI makes its way through a fossil-containing rock sample

Cloudina was a thin-shelled sea creature that existed about 545 million years ago, and many scientists believe that it played a major role in building the first reefs. Princeton University geoscientists Adam Maloof and Akshay Mehra, however, think otherwise – and they do so because of a unique rock-grinding machine.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

MWC recap: what we learned about smartphones for 2018

Some of the phones launched this week at MWC

We've seen another announcement-packed Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona this week, with new phones launched by Samsung, Sony, LG, Nokia, Asus, and others. So what can this glut of new devices tell us about where smartphones are heading in 2018, and what we'll see for the rest of the year?

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Category: Mobile Technology

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from New Atlas

AutoSaw uses robots to make furniture-building safer

Adriana Schulz watches as the Kuka Youbots bring a piece of lumber to the chop saw

For many people, power saws are scary things, bringing forth mental images of horrible hand injuries. Such saws are an integral part of creating custom wooden furniture, however. Now, scientists at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have developed an experimental system called AutoSaw, that uses robots to handle the sawing.

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Category: Robotics

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from New Atlas

Chimps and bonobos share common sign language (and maybe we do too)

Bonobos (pictured) and chimpanzees share gestures which initiate grooming

Our attempts to communicate with our ape cousins with sign language have long captured our imagination, but surprising new research shows that chimpanzees and bonobos share common gestures and meanings. That's fascinating in itself, but it raises intriguing questions as to how sign language is inherited, and whether humans share any gestures and meanings with other apes.

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Category: Biology

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from New Atlas

Review: 2018 Chevrolet Cruze Hatchback diesel hits a sweet spot

After a week driving the 2018 Chevrolet Cruze hatchback diesel, we came away impressed by its ...

Nobody brags about entry-level compact cars, but there sure are a lot of people who own them. The 2018 Chevrolet Cruze is one of those cars, and with the hatchback option now available with a fuel-efficient diesel engine, Chevy may have come up with a near-perfect formula.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Gallery: Unboxing the best shipping container architecture

Made to be Moved, by Arcgency, is a shipping container-based office that can be easily dismantled ...

On the face of it, shipping container-based architecture can seem like a pretty bad idea. The metal boxes are cramped, offer no insulation, and often require heavy modification to be of any use. That said, limitation occasionally proves fertile ground for innovation, as evidenced by the imaginative shipping container projects that we're highlighting here.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Hand-crafted beauty pays tribute to the dawn of home computing

Wonderful in wood: The metal box of the original PET 2001 computer has been replaced by ...

Sweden's Love Hultén is probably best known for his wonderfully retro gaming creations, but has also fashioned a beautiful synth and a hi-fi system, too. For his one-off PET De Lux project, the designer and craftsman has paid tribute to a grand-daddy of home computing, the Commodore PET 2001 all-in-one personal computer released in 1977.

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Category: Computers

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from New Atlas

MIT imaging technique sheds light on the brain's electrical activity

A new light-sensitive protein can be embedded into neuron membranes, where it emits a fluorescent light ...

Researchers at MIT have developed an imaging technique that will help study exactly how electrical signals propagate through the brain, in an advance that could help us better understand Alzheimer's, epilepsy, and other brain disorders, as well as how thoughts and feelings are formed.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Artificial eye flexes muscle to do what the human eye can't

The complex nanostructures give the eye an iridescent sheen

Harvard has reported a breakthrough flat artificial eye just 30 microns in depth which can exceed the capabilities of the human eye. The technology, which builds on so-called metalens technology by adding electrically-controlled flexible muscles, could make a real impact in all manner of optical fields, including those in cameras, telescopes, microscopes, glasses and even virtual reality.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Tuesday 27 February 2018

New type of stem cell produces two tissues for the price of one

Researchers have discovered a new type of stem cell, known as meso-endothelial stem cells, which can ...

If you wind back the clock on the different cells in our bodies, they'd all start life as one of just a few types of stem cells. Now, researchers from the University of Queensland have wound back the clock even further, and discovered a new type of dual stem cell that can produce certain tissues with built-in blood vessels.

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Category: Medical

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from New Atlas

Ford's self-driving cars roll into Miami

Ford is kicking off a pilot in Miami exploring how self-driving vehicles can ease the city's ...

Ford hasn't been making the bold strides of some competitors when it comes to autonomous vehicles, with plenty of testing already underway from various companies, including public trials from Nissan, Uber, Google's Waymo and Tesla's progress with its Autopilot software. The automotive giant is now looking to make some serious headway in Miami, where it is kicking off a pilot exploring how self-driving vehicles can ease the city's notorious traffic problems.

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Category: Automotive

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from New Atlas

Gallery: Clever concepts for low-cost housing

The OPod Tube House was designed with a view to mitigating Hong Kong's housing shortages, which ...

They say constraint breeds creativity, and anybody looking to get into home ownership will be extremely familiar with the constraints that go with it. Architectural, construction and design innovations therefore have a huge role to play in getting roofs over heads, particularly when it comes to the world's poorest and most vulnerable. Here we take a look at some clever solutions to low-cost housing, including a few whose appearance far outstrips their price tag.

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Category: Architecture

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from New Atlas

Discovery of brain region that can ease pain paves way for non-opioid painkillers

A new understanding into how our brain modulates pain signals could lead to a new generation ...

Pain is an important biological mechanism. It tells us when something in our body is damaged, and forces us into inactivity so energy can be diverted to healing. But sometimes pain can be counter-effective, hindering a person's ability to actively help themselves, so the brain effectively "turns down" those pain signals so relief can be effectively found. New research has identified where in the brain this natural painkilling system is controlled from, suggesting new pathways toward non-opioid painkillers.

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Category: Science

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from New Atlas

Vodafone and Nokia to set up the first 4G network on the Moon

Vodafone 4G network will enable live-streaming of HD video from the Moon’s surface

Cell coverage on Earth may not be as comprehensive as it could be, but that isn't stopping Vodafone and Nokia from setting up the first 4G network on the Moon. That may seem as pointless as opening a burger bar on Pluto, but there is a serious purpose behind it. The data-streaming network will provide communications support for an unmanned lander/rover mission by PTScientists scheduled to launch in 2019.

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Category: Space

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from New Atlas

To know your biological age ... check your urine?

The study found that a certain biomarker increases in urine samples with age

It's easy to know your chronological age, as it's just the amount of time that has elapsed since you were born. However, what about your biological age – the amount that your body has physically aged, which varies from person to person? Well, according to a new study out of China, a simple urine test could tell you.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from New Atlas

The Asus ZenFone 5 phones want to win on value if not originality

The new Asus ZenFone 5 range, unveiled at MWC 2018

The phone launches continue to come thick and fast at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and Asus is the latest company to show off its wares. It's unveiled three new ZenFone models for 2018, one of which bears more than a slight resemblance to a flagship smartphone recently launched by Apple.

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Category: Mobile Technology

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from New Atlas

Depression may change the brain over time

According to the CAMH study, long-term depression might be associated with brain inflammation

Currently, clinical depression is treated in pretty much the same way, whether the patient has experienced it for a short time or over many years. According to Canada's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), however, that may not be the right way to go, as a new study indicates that long-term depression physically alters the brain.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing

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from New Atlas

Ultra-thin coating makes "dumb" glass smart

PhD student Mohammad Taha with a sample of coated glass

There are already energy-saving "smart glass" windows that can be electronically tinted to block the sun's hot rays, thus reducing the need to run air-conditioning systems. Such systems still require electricity to operate, however. Now, scientists from Australia's RMIT University have developed a coating that allows existing glass to become smart … no power required.

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Category: Materials

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from New Atlas