Thursday 31 January 2019

Engineers build robot arm with rudimentary self-awareness

Researchers have given a robot arm a rudimentary form of self-awareness, to help it adapt to ...

As clever as robots are getting, one of the key things that separates them from humans is self-awareness. Debate rages over what exactly it means for something to be self-aware, whether robots could ever achieve it, and the ethical implications that it might dredge up. Now, researchers from Columbia Engineering have gone and done it, giving a robot arm some form of self-awareness, – at least in a rudimentary sense – which allows it to better adapt to changing conditions.

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Category: Robotics


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Curiosity's gravity instruments reveal new holes in the story of Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover and its suite of advanced tools have revealed all kinds of fascinating facts ...

NASA's Curiosity rover and its suite of advanced tools have revealed all kinds of fascinating facts about Mars, but scientists here on Earth have now uncovered a surprising characteristic through one of its more rudimentary instruments. Using an accelerometer similar to what you'd find in a smartphone, the researchers have now been able to gather more precise density measurements of its rocky layers, finding it to be much more porous than previously thought.

.. Continue Reading Curiosity's gravity instruments reveal new holes in the story of Mars

Category: Space


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Clingy carbon capture substance can be reused indefinitely

A new substance can scrub carbon dioxide from power plant emissions more efficiently than existing technology

Despite the move to renewables gaining pace around the world, fossil fuel-fired power plants will be pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for a long time to come. Now researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have developed a new substance that could effectively soak up carbon from coal-fired power plant emissions, using much less energy than existing methods.

.. Continue Reading Clingy carbon capture substance can be reused indefinitely

Category: Environment


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Gallery: Don’t look down – The most spectacular and precarious cliff-side houses

The Pole House is one of Australia's most iconic houses, found along the Great Ocean Road ...

Everyone loves a good view, however, some architects have taken this obsession to the extreme, perching structures on perilous precipices, often leaving parts of the dwellings literally hanging over sheer drops. In this gallery we feature some of the most thrilling, beautiful and possibly insane cliff-side homes for those that are determined to literally live on the edge.

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Category: Architecture


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Fossil fats reveal how complex life kicked off after Snowball Earth phase

Fossil fats have shown how complex life arose after Earth's

When we think of the Ice Age we usually think of the Pleistocene era, which ended roughly 12,000 years ago. But that was a balmy summer compared to what happened about 700 million years ago, when basically the entire planet iced over in a period often called "Snowball Earth." Now researchers have found fossil fats that help fill in the story of how life bounced back after this global cataclysm, and how we humans might owe our very existence to them.

.. Continue Reading Fossil fats reveal how complex life kicked off after Snowball Earth phase

Category: Science


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Tesla rides into 2019 on the back of another quarterly profit

Tesla faces pressure to produce its long-promised Model 3

Tesla has rounded out a rather eventful 2018 with another profit, its second in as many quarters, with revenue almost doubling year-on-year. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows heading into 2019, as the electric carmaker prepares to pay off considerable debts while funding big expansions into China and beyond.

.. Continue Reading Tesla rides into 2019 on the back of another quarterly profit

Category: Automotive


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

New discoveries into the effects of fasting on metabolism and aging

A new study uncovered 30 previously undiscovered metabolic markers that were found to increase in the ...

Fasting diets may be incredibly popular at the moment but it is only in the last few years that scientists have begun to understand what happens to the human body when it is wholly deprived of food. A compelling new study by a team of Japanese researchers has offered an incredibly thorough examination into the metabolic alterations that occur in human blood during fasting, revealing a fascinating array of changes that could point to a variety of health benefits.

.. Continue Reading New discoveries into the effects of fasting on metabolism and aging

Category: Health & Wellbeing


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Self-healing coating protects metals from corrosion

The technology could be used to help keep structures such as bridges from corroding

Corrosion in metals can lead to the structural fatigue or failure of bridges, pipelines, and plane fuselages. Anti-corrosion coatings help prevent this, but they become ineffective when pierced, cracked, or scratched away. Researchers at Northwestern University have now developed a self-healing coating that can patch up its imperfections in a matter of seconds.

.. Continue Reading Self-healing coating protects metals from corrosion

Category: Materials


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

German bicycle turn indicators are inspired by Audi

The Zarathustra system is presently on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform

We may have seen handlebar-mounted bicycle turn indicators before, but we've never seen ones quite light these. Inspired by the indicators on the Audi A8, Zarathustra lights each feature a ring of 20 LEDs that blink in sequence, plus they've got a unique brake light system.

.. Continue Reading German bicycle turn indicators are inspired by Audi

Category: Bicycles


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Autonomous Chinese semi-submersible launches weather rocket at sea

The USSV during its first sea trial, in June 2017

Rocketsondes, which are a type of sounding rocket, are used to make high-altitude weather observations – they can go higher than weather balloons. Given that they require launch sites, they're not used over the ocean as much as they're used over land. That could change, though, as Chinese scientists have now launched one from an autonomous semi-submersible vehicle.

.. Continue Reading Autonomous Chinese semi-submersible launches weather rocket at sea

Category: Science


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Puma unveils Fi self-lacing trainers

The first Fi shoes should be available next year

Back in 2016, Nike first announced its HyperAdapt 1.0 training shoes, which automatically tighten their laces around the wearer's foot. Now Puma is getting in on the self-lacing game, with its Fit Intelligence (Fi) line of footwear.

.. Continue Reading Puma unveils Fi self-lacing trainers

Category: Sports


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Moby takes its staff-free convenience stores off grid with Psi standalone retail pod

Moby Mart has launched a standalone retail pod called the Psi that can be run off-the-grid

Changes in our buying behavior have had quite a detrimental effect on High St shopping, with many brick and mortar stores now displaying a permanent closed sign in the window. Moby Mart is hoping to bring back the local store experience by combining modern technology with drop in shopping.

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Category: Good Thinking


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Totally tubular vacation home hits the beach

St Andrews Beach House, by Austin Maynard Architects, captures rainwater and stores it for irrigation and ...

St Andrews Beach House is nestled among the bush and dunes on a rugged stretch of shore in Australia's Mornington Peninsula. The circular vacation home is finished to a high standard and boasts a degree of sustainable design, including rainwater collection.

.. Continue Reading Totally tubular vacation home hits the beach

Category: Architecture


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

VW kicks up some sand with all electric dune buggy

VW has teased a new electric dune buggy concept ahead of its debut at the Geneva ...

Volkswagen is aiming to re-awaken the spirit of 60s America with a modern take on the classic dune buggy. The all-electric concept will make its debut at the Geneva Motor Show.

.. Continue Reading VW kicks up some sand with all electric dune buggy

Category: Automotive


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

From magnificent museums to compact starter homes: AIA honors the best new architecture

The Tirpitz Museum, by Bjarke Ingels Group, is one of the nine recipients of the American ...

Hot on the heels of its interior design awards and AIANY design awards, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) has revealed the recipients of the 2019 Institute Honor Awards for Architecture. Featuring buildings and spaces by US-licensed firms, this year's winners include museums, affordable housing, and the restoration of an American icon.

.. Continue Reading From magnificent museums to compact starter homes: AIA honors the best new architecture

Category: Architecture


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

RMK unveils working prototype of its hubless E2 electric motorcycle

RMK has unveiled a working prototype of its E2 electric motorcycle, with hubless rear-wheel drive

Finnish electric motorcycle startup RMK has sent us some photos of its completed E2 prototype, as well as performance figures and details on some of the expected features. Notable for its very cool hubless rear wheel drive, the E2 is shaping up to be a fun and sporty machine.

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Category: Motorcycles


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Sophia the robot's little sister hits Kickstarter as a coding companion for kids

Little Sophia is a new toy robot based on Hanson Robotics' uncanny Sophia

Hailing from somewhere between Silicon Valley and the Uncanny Valley, Hanson Robotics' Sophia is the unofficial face of robots right now. But while she's busy on UN business or hanging with Jimmy Fallon, her little sister could soon be teaching kids to code. Meet Little Sophia, a new toy robot that looks like an educational Alexa in an unnerving humanoid body.

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Category: Robotics


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Fully electric motorhome offers nearly 190 miles of emissions-free touring

The Iridium all-electric motorhome debuts at CMT 2019

A few years ago, the idea of powering a large, heavy Type C motorhome with only a battery would have seemed out of the question. In some ways it still seems impractical, but battery technology is evolving and electric vehicle ranges improving. We've already seen a few all-electric camper vans, and now Germany's WOF GmbH is taking electric travel bigger with a larger electric motorhome. With an advertised 186 miles (300 km) of range, the Iridium motorhome is more capable of traveling the country than you might expect of such a large EV, offering an intriguing zero-emissions alternative for holiday travelers.

.. Continue Reading Fully electric motorhome offers nearly 190 miles of emissions-free touring

Category: Automotive


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Cake tunes its high-torque e-bike for the tarmac with the street-legal Kalk&

The original Kalk’s geometry borrowed heavily from Enduro and downhill bikes, and the Kalk& does the ...

Bike builder Cake made a statement that was both loud and quiet when debuting its first model last year, unveiling an all-electric dirt bike packing a monstrous 15-kW motor within its frame. The Swedish startup is now turning its attention to tarmac with a modified version dubbed the Kalk&, which is still built to venture off-road but will be the company's first street-legal bike for the US and EU when it launches in the coming months.

.. Continue Reading Cake tunes its high-torque e-bike for the tarmac with the street-legal Kalk&

Category: Bicycles


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Giant cavity found eating away at Antarctic glacier from underneath

Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica

Glaciers are kind of an endangered species in our rapidly-warming world, and unfortunately scientists keep finding new threats to them. NASA's ongoing Operation IceBridge has now found a gigantic cavity underneath Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica, which shows that the area has suffered even more drastic ice loss in recent years than previously thought – and it's accelerating.

.. Continue Reading Giant cavity found eating away at Antarctic glacier from underneath

Category: Environment


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Planter Box House hides behind a cascading wall of vibrant greenery

The Planter Box house was designed for a retired couple with a keen interest in gardening ...

The idea of growing your own food for sustenance is an appealing one, but not always a realistic option for people living in busy cities, let alone one with the population density of Kuala Lumpur. The Planter Box House by local architecture firm Formzero is a particularly attractive solution to this, offering its residents ample space to grow their greens in a set of tiered concrete garden beds that make up the facade.

.. Continue Reading Planter Box House hides behind a cascading wall of vibrant greenery

Category: Architecture


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Potential advantages in attention for babies in bilingual households

New research suggests babies exposed to more than one language display attentional improvements as early as ...

In a compelling new study, led by researchers from York University, it has been demonstrated that six-month-old babies raised in a bilingual environment tend to display better attentional control than their monolingual exposed counterparts. The results suggest cognitive benefits from bilingual exposure can manifest before the infants are even capable of speech.

.. Continue Reading Potential advantages in attention for babies in bilingual households

Category: Science


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Cocktail-inspired male contraceptive proves effective and reversible in animal tests

Researchers have developed a new method of male contraception that's medium-term and reversible

For decades male contraception has been limited to short-term methods like condoms or more permanent solutions like vasectomies, but there aren't really any options between those two extremes. In the hunt for a useful middle-ground, researchers from Nanchang University have developed a new method that so far seems to be relatively long-lasting, effective and reversible.

.. Continue Reading Cocktail-inspired male contraceptive proves effective and reversible in animal tests

Category: Medical


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

MIT's Jenga-playing robot might have the magic touch for manufacturing

MIT's Jenga-playing robot at work

Anyone who has played a game of Jenga will know the delicate touch required to keep the tower of wooden blocks from crashing down, and it's not the kind of finesse you'd associate with a typical robot. Engineers at MIT have now developed a manipulator arm that may just push and prod with the best of them, relying on visual data, machine learning algorithms and a fast-moving branch of robotics incorporating tactile feedback.

.. Continue Reading MIT's Jenga-playing robot might have the magic touch for manufacturing

Category: Robotics


from New Atlas (Gizmag)

Questions over future of Alzheimer's research as more major human drug trials fail

The discontinuation of more major human clinical trials again raises doubts over whether the current causal ...

Pharmaceutical giant Roche has announced it is discontinuing two major human clinical trials into the anti-Alzheimer's drug crenezumab. The decision by Roche to pull the plug on the trials comes after many similar treatments have also recently failed in human trials adding to the growing doubt about how to best tackle Alzheimer's disease.

.. Continue Reading Questions over future of Alzheimer's research as more major human drug trials fail

Category: Medical


from New Atlas (Gizmag)